Author: Times News Network, Panaji

Publication: TOI

Dated: March 24, 2009


Panchayat minister Manohar Azgaonkar admitted that rampant corruption
ex-ists in some panchayats but said that there was no law to act against
elected represen-tatives who stall constructions even after technical
approvals have been obtained by the con-cerned parties.


Replying to a calling at-tention motion tabled by Calangute MLA Agnelo
Fer-nandes referring to charges of bribery against the secretary of the Reis
Magos panchayat, the minister stated that he had tabled the Goa Panchayat
Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2009 in a bid to strengthen the law where taking penal
action was concerned, and not to do away with the rights of panchayats. "We
don't have the law on our side," he told the House.


However, the panchayat minister's request to Speaker Pratapsingh Rane to
allow him to move for passing of the Bill was not acceded to as the Speaker
and leader of Oppo-sition Manohar Parrikar pointed out that the business,
advisory committee had, after due discussion on the Bill, de-cided to refer
it back to the se-lect committee.


The proposed amendment has sparked off protests from some citizens and
panchayati raj activists, alleging that it would result in making the
secretary more powerful than the sarpanch and make a mockery of democracy at
the grassroot level.


The select committee had decided to refer it back in or-der to enable the
Speaker to reconstitute the panel with the incorporation of senior mem-bers
in it.





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