Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:44:48 -0400
From: Roland Francis <>

As a Goan I have to be proud of Ivan Menezes as I was of Victor
Menezes. Diageo and Citibank are no piddling corporations.

But I must say that Ivan Menezes needs to expand his vocabulary ever
so slightly. Every answer to the questioner need not have started with
"In this environment". Surely there are adequate substitutions like:
Under these conditions
In this economic climate
Given the current circumstances
With these corporate compulsions etc

Of course granted that Ivan Menezes is not expected to be a TV star,
he could still have answered the Bloomberg interviewer with more
transparency and plain-vanilla facts that could have worked to his
advantage, rather than the easier and more common corporate-speak he

Mario responds:

I'll be sure to let him know your perspicacious feedback, enhanced no doubt by 
one of Diageo's adult beverages:-))

Can't have one of our own sounding like Obama without his teleprompter:-))

Far better he sound like Bobby Jindal, who says what he means and means what he 
says and whose mouth is is perfect sync with his racing rain:-))

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