Green sense in a land run red

Reviewed in Economic & Political Weekly, November 8, 2008

Goa Sweet Land of Mine
A compilation by Goa Foundation, Mapusa, Goa
pp 92, no price mentioned, 2008

By Rahul Goswami

A lorryload of red earth in Goa has for too long been a cargo beyond
question. Ripped out of an earth that is protected by dense forest,
the value of this cargo has in the last three years altered
dramatically an industry that used to be predictably cyclical. Today,
the global shortage and the demand for metals, minerals and
commodities has turned mining into a conspicuously lucrative industry.
In 2005, India's total iron ore exports were valued at US$3,860
million in 2005 (about Rs 18,100 crore at the then exchange rate).
Goa's share of that value was around Rs 6,300 crore which, to help
understand scale, compares with the Rs 10,951 crore that was Goa's net
state domestic product for 2005-06. Today, Goa's iron ore miners have
employed their new liquidity in two popular directions: expansions in
the same industry sector, and in property development. In doing so
they are less impulsive than their counterparts across the high green
ridges of the Western Ghats: the maverick miners of Karnataka's
Bellary and Hospet have substituted their jeeps with helicopters.

Responding to what the industry says are its needs, Goa has released
what it calls a draft mineral policy. This attempt at describing the
state-minerals relationship in the first place fails to set out the
responsibilities and costs related to a major economic activity. The
current Congress chief minister, Digambar Kamat, was after all once a
minister of industries and mines. Even so, Goa's ore miners have not
attempted to make any corrections or additions to this policy, and why
should they? For two decades, their cause has been helped by the
officials and bureaucrats of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) which has, particularly in the eyes of citizens living in
mining-impacted villages, done everything possible to shear the land
of its protective green covering.

Throughout 'Sweet Land of Mine', the destructive role of the MoEF is
reprised. This ministry has aided and abetted the overturning of every
single piece of legislation designed to protect ecological systems and
the communities of Goa. It has done so consistently from the mid-1980s
when the Portuguese mining 'concessions' were converted into leases.
The ministry has ignored, time and again, every single submission from
environmentalists active in Goa, every single objection from the few
honest administrators in the state, every study conducted by any
independent authority that could harm the interests of the mining
industry in Goa. This ministry is directly culpable for a great deal
of the damage the small state has suffered during the last 20 years of
organised mining. It is a modern and deliberate administrative crime.

The MoEF has approved open-cast mining within one to three kilometres
of Goa's wildlife sanctuaries. Mining leases have been granted
clearances even when inside these sanctuaries - the Cotigao,
Netravali, Bhagwan Mahavir and Mhadei sanctuaries run from south to
north Goa along the western slopes of the spine of the Western Ghats.
They should form a continuous protected corridor for wildlife but the
practice in Goa has been wildly at odds with the intention. In 2002
the same MoEF had directed all state governments to demarcate a
10-kilometre buffer zone from the boundaries of all wildlife

The Goa Foundation pressed the Supreme Court for enforcement of this
direction, and when it did the MoEF withdrew the circular and
suggested the state governments examine the issue according to each
sanctuary, effectively transferring the burden of decision to local
satraps. In Goa, the government set up an inter-departmental committee
to demarcate the buffer zone around the six wildlife sanctuaries and
one national park. The committee's generosity to Goa's environment
extended to no more than a one-km zone with a restriction on mining;
if forests were present then the buffer zone would be three
kilometres. Even this rickety safeguard has been dismantled in favour
of the mining industry by the state government - it has recommended
that three of Goa's sanctuaries need no buffer zone at all. The MoEF
has encouraged such ecological sabotage while violating the Supreme
Court order banning mining in protected areas, which includes all
wildlife sanctuaries.

For Goa's village communities that are steadily reorganising
themselves to oppose mining, more struggles are inevitable. Between 06
September 2005 and 24 October 2007 environment clearances were given
to 73 new mining leases by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
These lie in panchayats that have either been ripped up or dozed aside
already by mining, or which are facing the prospect of new excavation.
Villages with names like Sigao, Maulinguem, Santona, Pale, Pissurlem
and Costi are being forced deeper into inner Goa's unforgiving mining
economy, as always at the cost of agriculture and the protection of
indigenous ecological systems.

The 73 new leases have ceded to Goa's miners another 83 square
kilometres of land. The lease holders include all Goa's mining majors,
and 13 smaller mining companies, who have nevertheless been able to
deploy the investment necessary to work the earth. The major miners
correspond - as they have done since the early 1950s - to the widely
influential 'mining families' of Goa, the small state's ruling elite
who have controlled the trade, controlled the industry, orchestrated
Goa's astonishingly venal politics, controlled the local media and who
manipulate every single government department that affects their
primary business. These companies are: Chowgule Co Pvt Ltd, Salgaocar
Mining Industries. Sociedade Fomento Inds, Sociedade Timblo Irmaos
Limitada, V D Chowgule & Co, V M Salgaocar & Bros Ltd and V S Dempo &

The historical big three families of Goa's iron ore industry have
benefited handsomely from the new tranche of clearances. Amongst them,
Chowgule Co Pvt Ltd has the largest new group of holdings with 1,380
hectares (ha), followed by V S Dempo & Co with 1,131 ha, the Timblo
companies have 941 ha and V M Salgaocar & Bros have 859 ha. Taken
together, the small miners hold new clearances for 2,785 hectares. It
is however Sesa Goa Ltd, India's largest private sector iron ore
miner, which has the biggest new investment deployed: Rs 98 crore.
Even so, the total stated investment for all the new mining leases
taken together is Rs 291 crore, a sum that is no more than a quarter
of the annual taxes that the industry in Goa pays to the state and
central governments, and it is certainly a single digit percentage of
the industry's annual profit. For an industry that will be nudging Rs
10,000 crore in 2008-09, the return on such capital employed will be

Provided the industry is able to retain - as it has since the early
1950s - its grip on the socio-politics of Goa. It is a grip that is
manifest through colleges, medical endowments, cultural foundations
and religious donations as much as it is through control of the
Department of Industries and Mines and the Goa Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. There should be much industrial history here specific to the
rise and rise of the miners. This book brings balance through a visual
presentation of the ugly impact of mining on Goa's richly green
landscapes that shock and stir the reader, yet while its bullet-point
expose of the Ministry of Environment's methods hits hard, an
understanding of how the iron ore industry has come to dominate modern
Goa is missing. While unfortunate, it is unsurprising. One of the
continuing handicaps of the voluntary groups which are opposing mining
in Goa is that they have been unable to quantify the industry - and
its impacts - enough to provide a questioning public with enough
information. On this count, 'Sweet Land of Mine' does not illuminate
the reader, preferring a welter of photographs and pithy captions to a
studied elucidation of why mining in Goa has become so all-consuming.
The book's value would have climbed considerably had essential
industry data and commentary supplemented the fragmented, although
very useful, material on legislation and those who spurn it.

Goa's many administrations have always endorsed the mining industry by
giving it the status of primary economic pillar. There is no doubt
that from the early 1950s onwards, iron ore mining and its host of
attendant industries have reached deep into select village economies.
While the keepers of Goa's books of accounts shy away from telling us
just how much, there has not been any serious attempt made by
activists in Goa to remedy the gaps in knowledge: only the publicly
listed Sesa Goa provides some data from which inferences about the
merchant costs of mining (and the sort of profits oligarchs dream of)
can be made. The Goa Mining Association and the Goa Mineral Ore
Exporters Association are both publicly silent about the labour
footprint of the ore extraction industry - it is certainly larger than
every available estimate, with many households depending on the lorry
fleets, on the many barges that transport ore down the Mandovi and
Zuari rivers to the ports, and on the many activities in the ports
that send out overflowing shiploads of rare red earth. Despite the
ubiquity of ore in transit through Goa, the inner workings of the
industry that digs out and moves the material are shrouded from the
public gaze.

The Goa Foundation's legal work has helped lift that curtain. Every
village action group that blocking a mining road or barricading the
entrance to a mine site in protest is also forcing the industry into
the open. Today, we know that more than 40 mining leases operate in
forested areas of Goa. The estimated area of forests affected due to
mining in Goa is about 2,000 hectares and there are 26 active leases
in forested areas, out of 91 leases granted in such areas.

"The former colonial Portuguese government handed out over 700 pieces
of paper called mining 'concessions' to the various individuals to
conduct simple, surface-level, manual operations to extract whatever
ores they could find. These 'concessions' were granted 'in
perpetuity'," observes the commentary in 'Sweet Land of Mine'. Those
concessions have over time turned into gigantic hill-devouring cankers
deep inside the ecologically sensitive area of the Western Ghats. In
1987 Parliament passed a special law abolishing the mining concessions
of Goa, converting them into mining leases under the control of
India's mineral extraction and environment laws. Despite this the
provisions of the Water Pollution Control Act (1974), the Air
Pollution Control Act (1981), the Forest Conservation Act (1980) and
the Environment Protection Act (1986) were never implemented by any of
the authorities when the mines came up for their first permissions
after the 1987 Act was notified.

Two major scientific studies exist to show that mining substantially
destroys the hydrogeology of Goa, thus leading to the widespread
problem of village wells running dry in talukas that are accustomed to
soaking up 250 cm of rain every monsoon. Here too, this volume shows
how the MoEF consistently ignored the water question, preferring to
cite industry-sponsored 'studies' which claimed that Goa's groundwater
aquifers were not being harmed. The MoEF has paid no attention, while
granting permissions to mining operations, to the loud and voluminous
complaints made in recorded public hearings that localised drought and
water scarcity were being experienced by villages affected by mining.

More mining, more ore, more protest and more information have helped
the judiciary deliver more people-friendly orders in the last two
years. In a judgment that is a welcome precedent for the continuing
mines vs communities battle, the Panaji bench of the Bombay High Court
awarded compensation amounting to Rs 3.6 crore to be paid to farmers
affected by mining activity for loss of yield in their fields for the
period 1993-2004. The miners were directed to deposit the compensation
by 30 August 2007 and thereby to give relief to 761 aggrieved farmers
of the village of Surla, in Goa's Bicholim taluka, who have lost about
1,090 hectares of land under cultivation because of mining silt. In
this case, Goa's main mining families were all penalised: Chowgule Co
Pvt Ltd, Salgaocar Mining Industries, V M Salgaocar & Bros Ltd, V S
Dempo & Co, Timblo Pvt Ltd and D B Bandodkar & Co Pvt Ltd. But how
severe is such a penalty, at Rs 3,940 per farmer per year of ravaged

On 4 January 2008, the Supreme Court accepted the recommendations of
the Central Empowered Committee that 16 mines in Goa would have to pay
compensations together exceeding Rs 100 crore before being allowed to
resume work on their leases in forest areas. By the painfully low
standards, this was better recompense. The CEC had found that costs
imposed on the companies for destruction of forests on their leases
were undervalued by the MoEF to the advantage of the companies. The
CEC also found that temporary working permits to work in forest areas
had been granted by the MoEF in blatant disregard of the Supreme
Court's orders, and that these permits needed to be cancelled.

Yet the business imperative is unquenched. From the point of view of
mining capital, iron ore remains an attractive sector despite the
steep rise in input costs in 2008. The Goa mineral ore extraction and
export industry has over 2002-06 seen its revenue grow at an annually
compounded rate of 35-40 per cent, earnings (before deductions) grow
at 80-90 per cent compounded annually, and post-tax profit margins of
25-35 per cent. For Indian and global mineral resources conglomerates
seeking new sectors, raw material integration or metals consolidation,
the private sector iron ore operations of western India are
undoubtedly attractive. Industry analysts have for the last three
years focused on the sector's business positives such as 'strong price
outlook', 'long life resource base and low cost operations',
'debt-free companies with strong cash positions', and an optimism for
'additional prospecting and mining licences' which indeed have come to

There was a spell, in the 1990s, when the era of iron ore mining being
the most favoured industry in Goa looked to have passed. The China
factor has changed that view. Even if the patterns of ore purchasing
change, the hyperactivity in the industry of the last four years will
alter the business profile of Goa's merchant mining families. They
have in fits and starts attempted diversification, and have often been
unsuccessful. Now they hold mining leases elsewhere in India - in
Jharkhand, in Chhattisgarh, in Orissa, in neighbouring Maharashtra and
Karnataka. They will deploy the efficiencies and a unique knowledge of
logistics - mining is as much about moving material as it is about
extracting it - they have learned in Goa. The major miners are already
planning corporate restructurings, the transfer of resource reserves
to holding companies, bringing in private equity to fund new mineral
venture and overseas resources.

Goa's government has signalled its determination to safeguard
mineral-rich belts in the state for the iron ore industry. Its
enthusiastic land use planning machinery is already at work,
railroading legislation and incentives through the state assembly in
favour of the new business architects. Ignored entirely in the
headlong rush to corner wealth - mineral-derived, real estate or other
speculative - are the livelihood rights of Goa's indigenous and
agricultural communities.


Copyrights (c) Rahul Goswami and Economic & Political Weekly, 2008
When quoting or reproducing please include source and date


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