Debashree Mukherjee <> is a research student at
the Department of Cinema Studies (School of Arts & Aesthetics,
Jawaharlal Nehru University) and is working on a dissertation on film
culture in Bombay in the 1930s and 40s.

Debasharee writes: "I have been trying to historicize the emergence of
film journalism at this time and am looking at early 'film critics'
like K.A.Abbas and Baburao Patel. There is a substantial amount of
fact and legend that exists around these two figures. An individual
like Clare Mendonca, however, film critic with the Times of India at
the time, has vanished without a trace (except for the Filmfare Awards
trivia). I am writing to you on a hunch, and with the hope that you
might be able to help me dig up some information on Clare Mendonca and
her work. I chanced across a mention of her in a satirical poem posted
by you online."

I didn't remember that post myself, and had to google to find some tracks.

What I found online was this:

Joel D'Souza's article on Assonora (probably from Goa Today?):

When we recall the name of the late Fr Philip Neri Mendonca, need we
mention that he was the most famous Principal of Goa's prime
educational institution of yesteryears - the St Joseph's High School
in Arpora? His brother Fr William Mendonca taught us English at Don
Bosco High School, Panjim. We remember how meticulously he would
explain to us Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, how seriously he
corrected the essays we wrote and how thrifty he was while giving
marks. Fred, Philip and William were brothers. The late Clare Mendonca
of Filmfare fame was their sister, while their father Isidore Mendonca
was associated with the Anglo Lusitano, a Goan weekly, edited by
Ignatius Fonseca.

Also, Shanti Doot's post:  Boribunder. Causing a certain amount of
awe, legitimate concern and wonder. Goans like Clare Mendonca and
Frank Moraes*  Have contributed much to this paper in their days, And
as Fred** says, the arrival of the Times of India should not mean
plunder. (*Clare Mendonca was an outstanding Film critic and, at their
inception, there was talk of naming the Film Awards Clare Awards
instead of Filmfare Awards; Frank Moraes was the
first Indian editor of the Times of India, an outstanding journalist
in his own right.) **Fred Noronha in his open letter to the Times of
India dated February 18, 2008)

If any of you has any knowledge of Clare Mendonca, please pass it on
to the list, or share it with Debashree. Thanks! FN

PS: For more links to *documentary* film in India:

FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
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"A dork is a dork is a dork." - Judy Markey
  • [Goanet] ... Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरो नया]

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