I myself believe that racism exists in the Catholic Church. I may be
wrong about this as I have mentally made a set of assumptions that
could be proved wrong.

For example Toronto is almost racism free. Yet I am always left
wondering why the more wealthy parishes who have a mostly white
congregation always have white pastors and assistants. These clerics
are well spoken, give good sermons and are excellent communicators.
These parishes rarely have a non-white pastor.

Then there are the rest of the parishes who have mostly non-white
parishioners. These churches invariably have Indian, Sri Lankan,
Filipino and other white priests whose primary language is not

My question to myself is:
1) Why does the Diocese of Toronto generally not have non-white
dynamic priests of a high standard? Yes they exist, I have seen lots
of them in India.
2) Why does the Diocese not have white priests of a high caliber
pastoring non-white majority congregations.
3) Why do some young Goan and non-white priests born in Canada seem
subdued rather than dynamic. Are they being suppressed in their
pastoral freedom by their pastors and other clerical hierarchy.

I would like some feedback from other Canadian Goanetters to say I am
wrong. I would be happy if it is confirmed that all the above is a
figment of my imagination.

Lastly, Father Diogo, I would like you to describe some actual
experiences of racism you have experienced since you have in a way
started this thread.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:26 PM,  <fatherd...@aol.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your article "Whose Blood is This? Mourning the Death of Gregory
> Fernandes.
> Is it possible to have the e-mail address of Mr R Benedito Ferrao?
> I would like to personally thank him and together with him extend my concern 
> of
> racism as I see - even with the ruthless catholic bishops against powerless 
> priests
> of brown/dark skin.
> With grateful regards,
> Father Diogo Fernandes, the uncle of Gregory Fernandes

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