
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


2009/4/5 Mario Goveia <mgov...@sbcglobal.net>:
> "To the best of my knowledge...?"  What knowledge?  Has
> Google and other search engines been shut down?
> Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention
> from racism in the Catholic Church, the subject of this
> thread, to some other person's alleged transgressions - as
>  if two wrongs make a right, even if true.
> BTW, the man from Porbander, regardless of how he
> came upon his epiphany, has been recognized around
> the world as a modern reincarnation of the proposition
> that "Everyone is created equal." for which he was
> eventually assassinated.
> These insinuations against Mohandas Gandhi are
> despicable, not to mention false.
> See also:
> http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761575565/gandhi.html
> Excerpt:
> In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a “fast
> unto death” to improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables.

Hi Mario,

You raise some interesting points.

(i) Just because the West canonises a 20th century political leader
(for whatever reason, including their own biases and political
preferences of those who control public opinion on a global scale)
doesn't make him lily white and above criticism.

(ii) Firstly, let me express my admiration of Gandhi on some aspects
-- for instance, inspite of being a highly religious man (or because
of it), he was very respectful towards the beliefs of others. He was
assassinated largely due to his very un-hawkish views towards Muslims.
I don't think it was because of caste. His simplicity we and the rest
of the planet can learn a lot from, never mind your capitalist dogma
of more-consumption-is-virtue, and Sarojini Naidu's dig that it costs
India a lot to keep Gandhi poor! The excesses of Indian middle-class
(and elite) overconsumpion are making itself felt in tonnes of
garbage, depletion of resources, and (your bugbear!) global warming
and what not.

(iii) While Gandhi was staunchly against untouchability as such, he
didn't have a problem (in fact, he supported) the caste system as a
whole. Check out these interesting links, since you talk about Google:

Mohandas and Ambedkar

Gandhi on caste - a selection

Mahatma Gandhi divided India on caste lines: Mayawati

While Mayawati could be dismissed as being a ranting politician in
electoral mode, she's not saying things without a reason, as the above
two statements would suggest.

(iv) I would agree with you that we Goan Catholics tend to be
defensive about discussing/acknowledging caste and its negative impact
on society. But even if you're right on this, it doesn't justify your
other arguments, which seem to be based on your gut-level feeling
rather than facts. I'm sure you'll feel I'm wrong, so let me know why
(not that I'll debate continually). FN

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
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"I am at two with nature." - Woody Alan
  • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या

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