
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)



Sardinha should retire

- Julius Carvalho, Dubai

Congress candidate Francisco Sardinha has started his re-election campaign 
saying that Matanhy Saldanha is standing for election only to divide the 
minority vote. This clearly shows us that the Congress is not only corrupt, but 
also a communal party.
Instead of attacking Matanhy, Sardinha should explain what he has done for 

Did not the people of Goa stone his house in 1986 for not supporting Konkani as 
the official language of Goa? Wasn’t the Congress responsible for the deaths of 
seven Goans during the Konkani movement? Matanhy did not join hands with 
Congress when he was an MLA since the Congress tried to buy him with a hefty 
bribe to allow it to loot Goa and Goans.

Today, he is promising to legalise Dhirio. Is that more important than saving 
Goa from mega-housing projects? Sardinha is silent on mega-projects because the 
Congress wants to ‘develop’ Goa by bringing in outsiders and marginalising 
Goans in their own land. 

He also talks about of saving 8,000 houses of Goans affected by unjust CRZ laws 
enacted by his own Congress government. Sardinha has always been a Congress MLA 
or MP since the CRZ law came into force in 1991. Did he ever discuss the ill 
effects of the law either in the Assembly or Parliament? Non-Goans dominate 
every government department, because the Congress started selling jobs to 
outsiders by taking bribes.

Sardinha should retire from politics instead of fooling Goans with false 
promises, and give an opportunity to Matanhy Saldanha to save Goa and Goans. 

- Forwarded as published in the Herald 
About Mathany Saldanha 


Shri. Mathany Saldahna

Office:   Residence: 2755051 
Address: Villa Saldanha Cansaulim Goa 




Name of MLA
Shri Mathany Saldanha


Name of Father
Shri Jacinto Saldanha 

Date of Birth
24 October 1948 

Place of Birth
Carmona Goa

Marital Status

Educational Qualification
B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. (Political Science)
Course in public Administration
Course in Journalism.


Permanent Address
Villa Saldanha
Cansaulim Goa 

Present Address
Bella Mater Building
St. Inez,
Panajim – Goa 


Email Id 


Positions Held 

June 2002 
Elected to the Fourth Legislative Assembly of Goa
Chairperson of Anti Pollution Citizens Committee (1974);
General Secretary of Goencho Ramponkarancho Ekvot;
Founder Chairman of National Fish Workers Forum;
Former General Secretary of Gomant Lok Pokx;
General Secretary of United Goan Democratic Party; 
Member of International Collective of Fish Workers and their Supporters;
Ex – Zilla Panchayat member of Cortalim Constituency;
Member of Konkani Porjecho Avaz;
Member of Konkani Bhasha Mandal. 

2002 – 2003 
Member, Estimates Committee
Member, Committee on Government Assurances
Member, Committee of Privileges
Member, Budget Committee
Member, Zilla Panchayat, South Goa District
Member, House Committee to study the working of communidades. 

Social and cultural Activities
Participated and led most of the Social, Environmental Struggles in Goa from 
1974 till date.

Interest Areas

Special Interest
Environmental Protection, Konkani language & Planned Economic Development with 
long term Perspective 

Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Reading and writing

Sports and Clubs
Ex – Secretary, Sidheshwar Sports Club, Bhati from 1992 – 1995

Countries Visited
Germany, France, Portugal, England, Norway, Holland, Macao, Hong Kong, Italy, 
China, Thailand, Brazil, Egypt and USA

Other Information
In 1988 was awarded the five outstanding young persons award of Goa by the 
Jaycee’s of Goa for distinguished services rendered to the nation; and also the 
five outstanding young persons award of India in 1988;
Attended various conferences in India and abroad related to Social, Economic 
and Environmental issues.


Total Votes polled 


Total votes received 


Election won with the margin of votes 


Source: http://www.goavidhansabha.gov.in/profile.php?memberid=44


  Goa World   Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português)  TGF 
Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
     www.goa-world. .com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahables hwar.com 

St. Mary's School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan India http://www.abusms. com  

EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/
GOA MAG ONLINE http://www.goamag.net             http://mumbaihangout.org/radio/


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