
Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
    of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
    http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
            references, some photographs and documents)


NT - 6 April, 2009

Agencies/Lucknow-  Fed up with manifestos of various political parties
ignoring regional issues, the people of drought-hit Bundelkhand region  have
prepared their own election manifesto and are pressing candidates in the
fray to follow it up if they want their support.

"We have prepared a 'peoples' manifesto' after meeting over 6000 persons
spread in five assembly seats - Hamirpur, Raath, Tindwari, Mahoba  and
Charkhari and are pressing candidates of different political parties to
follow it. The manifesto has been prepared after analyzing the need of the
people of the region" the convener of the public campaign, Mr. DP Gupta

"This manifesto is compilation of what people said during the survey
conducted by us in January -February. And those who read it are welcoming
the move and even voters here want this to be followed by political parties"
he said.

About the demands in the manifesto, Mr. Gupta said that due to droughts the
region was backward and needed proper drinking water and irrigational
facilities besides free education for all girls and boys up to class 12,
setting up of a medical, engineering colleges and a university in the
"As a result, issues which really concern the people are overlooked. Like
areas covered under Hamirpur constituency are not covered by railway network
even after 60 years of independence. It is a big issue for the local people,
but it does not figure in the manifesto of the political parties," he said.

Similarly, they have demanded that employment opportunities be provided to
the people of the area so as to check large-scale migration. "Political
parties cannot force their own manifestos on voters now. We elect our
representative and they should take care of our demands and follow our
manifesto", Mr Harish Kumar, a local resident of Hamirpur, who was involved
in the process of preparing the manifesto, said. The manifesto is being
circulated among the candidates in a bid to pressurize them to incorporate
local issues in their agenda.


The Goa Su-Raj Party set out in the year 2000 to compile 'Peoples'
Manifesto' for  entire  GOA as against each of the 40 Constituencies, in the
understanding that GOA cannot be developed as according to the whims and
fancies of the elected representatives or the people of the Constituencies,
since GOA has to be looked at as the integral part of the wholesome planning

This manifesto was released on August 20, 2005 on the auspicious occasion of
the celebration of the World Goa Day across the world in the form of a
booklet called "The Road Map For Goa". The party has found no more need to
prepare spot manifestoes at every election time since this exercise is seen
as 'wanting' and a way to fool the people all the time with selective
pre-planned agendas which lead nowhere.

GOA has to take the cue from these UP people, more so when this party did
attempt to make the people of GOA aware that the peoples' manifesto was
needed to be developed as according to the wants and needs of the people of
GOA through 'CITIZENS' [OF GOA] INITIATIVE'. However, this attempt has
received no response at all from any quarters, especially from the the
various NGOs who are seen in the forefront of fighting injustices galore.

In view of the party's permanent manifesto -- THE ROAD MAP FOR GOA - we at
goasuraj believe that nothing more needs to be done in terms of conserving
energy and time as this peoples' manifesto is the monumental work of
dedicated and committed GOANS  which is ready to be put on the track right
away, by not bothering to worry if there will be takers, by fielding their
own candidates who will support the manfesto in a fool-proof manner without
diverging to accommodate  other selfish agendas once elected. This exercise
is vital for  SAVING GOA  during the next  Assembly Elections slated for
2012, but which could be declared anytime from now, and which elections, by
all manner of imagination, could the the last local Assembly Elections
offering GOANS the 'God Sent' opportunity to SAVE their GOA and its
IDENTITY. Good humouredly, Goans need not feel  'COLD SHIVERS' running down
their SPINES at the thought of what their GOA is going to become after
Elections 2012,  when they can take the corrective measures right away -

Surely, the good people of GOA do not intend  MISSING THE BUS?

floriano lobo

---Wanted for Goa---
honest ' fighters '
NOT honest ' hypocrites '

(The Recruiting Agents)

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