
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


The following is just being circulated by the National Commission for
Justice, Peace and Development at the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India.


I. You shall ensure that your name is on the Electoral Roll (ER) and that
you have an updated Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC).

II. You shall help the poor, marginalized, underprivileged people to have
their names on the ER by sending a filled-in Form No. 6 to the Chief
Electoral Officer of your State immediately.

III. You shall scrutinize Election Manifestos of various political parties
to ascertain their stand in favour of vulnerable groups likes tribals,
dalits, children, women and minorities before you decide to support a

IV. You shall vote neither for parties/candidates that are communal,
casteist, criminal, corrupt and fascist nor for those that have not kept
their previous electoral promises.

V. You shall not accept any bribe/reward to vote for any party/candidate.
Taking bribe is as much an offence as giving bribe, under Section 171B of

VI. You shall cast your vote early and also get others to do so on voting
day. Remember that any other valid Government Photo ID can be a useful
substitute for your EPIC provided your name is on the ER.

VII. You shall insist on Tendered Vote under Rule 49-P of the Conduct of
Elections Rules 1961 after convincing the Presiding Officer of the
genuineness of your identity even If someone else has already voted in your

VIII. You shall exercise your "electoral right" by declining to cast your
vote (under the provision of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules
1961) if you are not satisfied with any of the candidates. After having
signed on the Register of Voters and after having received the voters' slip
from the Second Polling Officer, you must inform immediately the Presiding
Officer at the polling station of your decision.

IX. You shall report immediately, in writing, cases of bribery (for votes)
booth-capturing, bogus voting (which is an offence of Personation under
Section 171D of IPC), etc. to the Chief Electoral Officer of your State by
fax / email (Find your CEO's e-mail ID at
http://eci.nic.in/Directories&photogallery/e-mailaddress-ceos.asp) and also
lodge a complaint at the nearest Police Station.

X. You shall bring serious concerns like the disenfranchisement of a whole
community/village to the notice of: The Chief Election Commissioner of
India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001.Tel: (011) 23717391;

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