
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


*Democracy and the Small Car

The political role of the small car is as important as its environmental
Economic & Political Weekly April 4, 2009 vol xliv no 14

The collapse of public transport in the past few decades has
been a stark feature of almost all urban areas in India.
Significantly though, this matter has only found tangential
reference in public discourse through issues like urban air
pollution. Independent India has witnessed a sixfold rise in its
urban population, and even though urbanisation remains low by the
standards of the industrialised countries, close to 300 million of our
citizens live in urban areas. It is important to realise that in order
to thrive cities are crucially dependent on easy and inexpensive
mobility of its residents over its urban space. Unfortunately, like
other public infrastructure, public transport has been grossly
neglected by city administrators, state and central governments,
and this neglect has impacted the urban poor the most.

The ability to travel within the city is essential to actualise the
economic and cultural potential of the place. Residents need to
travel for work, for education, for socialisation and for procuring
the needs of daily life. The more the areas of the city are within
the easy reach of a particular citizen, the further her potential
ability to increase choices of work, residence, consumption and
socialisation. Increase in either the time or money required for
such travel proportionately reduces the urban citizen’s ability to
participate in civic and economic activities of the city and thus
impacts adversely on her. As cities have expanded and distances
within each urban space have increased manifold, the ability to
travel these distances has reduced.

The public transport in cities which independent India inherited
was slowly allowed to wither away. The older metropolitan areas
still retained a rudimentary public transport system based on
buses but these were built on truck chassis and were never
enough to handle the growing demands on public transportation.
The emergent cities and semi-urban areas were largely left to
depend on “innovations” which were mostly diesel machines
fitted onto a locally assembled chassis of three or four wheels
known by different names in different parts of India. All in all,
public transport in urban India has been a disaster – overcrowded,
slow, unsafe and often, unavailable.

It is in this context that one needs to view the growing numbers
of private vehicles, both two-wheelers and cars. In 1951 there
were five private vehicles for each bus in India but today there are
80 private vehicles for each bus. Not only have municipal administrators
and governments neglected public transport, they have actively
subsidised private transport through fiscal, administrative
and planning measures. Road tax on buses, even when calculated
on the basis of passengers carried, is 10 to 12 times that on
cars. In a city like Delhi, buses only use 5% of the city’s roadspace
but carry close to 60% of its travelling public, while cars
and two-wheelers ferry only 20% of its population but hog threefourths
of its roads. Ultimately then, the neglect of public transport
shows itself as a class issue where investments in urban
mobility – flyovers, parking lots, wider roads, smaller pavements,
etc – are all focused on easing the mobility of the middle classes
in urban India. The orchestrated media campaign against faster
and safer bus services through the Bus Rapid Transit corridors
only indicates the strength of class interests seeking to mould
urban transport systems.

It is in this twin context of the centrality of mobility to urban
living and the collapse of urban public transport that the popularity
of the recently launched Tata Nano should be understood.
It is worthwhile to remember Ratan Tata’s oft repeated statement
that the inspiration for the Nano was the struggling middle class
family perched precariously on a two-wheeler. Such a family,
while owning personal transport, would welcome an improved
public transport system which would enable them to travel in the
city in comfort and safety. By enabling them ownership of a car,
the Nano secures this archetypal family firmly to the interests of
that class which hogs the privileges of the class-divided road. It
would be a mistake to take no notice of this political function of
the Nano. The Nano, despite its overt sympathies for the underprivileged
road user, will only further skew the class divides
which fracture our cities, apart from increasing pollution and
congestion, while decreasing general safety on the roads.
David Harvey, in a recent essay on the right to the city, says,
“The question of what kind of city we want cannot be divorced
from that of what kind of social ties, relationship to nature,
lifestyles, technologies and aesthetic values we desire. The right
to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access
urban resources: it is a right to change ourselves by changing
the city.” An inexpensive, safe and fast public transport system is
essential not only to address the growing problems of congestion,
pollution and road safety, it is also central to building a
more democratic city which provides equal opportunities of
mobility to all its residents.


Essay available online at http://epw.in/epw//uploads/articles/13369.pdf

Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

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