
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)




Lok Sabha elections 2009

Open letter to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh

Last Updated: 2009-04-08 


At the outset let me admit that I am a big fan of yours. So what I say or do 
wouldn't change my respect for you. 

I was in the UK when you visited Scotland and I remember the pride that you 
gave me when your name was taken with such reverence there. You were always 
addressed in hushed tones. 

Alas, that is fading now. I would indeed support Opposition leader Advani when 
he calls you a weak PM. Though I agree it's not your fault altogether. You are 
in the wrong party, a party which is sycophantic and only respect the Gandhi 
name and the coalition dharma has added to your woes. But Sir, there were times 
when I thought you would stand up and be counted. But your leadership comes 
across as lusterless. I would give only few examples. 

Your reaction to Mr Advani's call for a debate was very disappointing. I 
watched with awe as the Presidential debate took place here in the USA and 
candidate after candidate gave their views on every issue. You could not agree 
with a candidate but you had to respect his views and his grasp on every 
subject. At least the voters knew what each person stood for. The response of 
your party was rather foolish. I expected a much more intelligent answer from 
some one like Mrs Jayanthi Natarajan. Her saying that debate is suited for 
Presidential system only. 

Sir, we follow the British system. Hasn't she heard of the debates between the 
Prime Minister and the opposition candidates?  A down and out Tony Blair had 
the guts to face a live audience on BBC. He was skewered by the live audience 
but he took it on his chin. 
Does Manmohan Singh deserve to be PM again?

The response of Mr Digvijay Singh to Mr Advani's blog was also churlish. He 
ridiculed him saying that there were only few followers. He probably doesn't 
even realize the dynamics of blogging. What your party doesn't realize is that 
you boast of a youthful brigade. Always try to project Mr Rahul Gandhi as a 
youth icon. He is a gentleman. I have nothing against him. But you guys are in 
such a time warp that you don't even accept the modern technology and the 
latest trends.

Imagine the response of your AP Congress who came out with a slogan "Yes we 

Can you be any more original than that!

And you have the cheek to ridicule some one else? Pathetic! 

In fact I appreciate Mr Advani. He may fail. But at least he is open to new 

Sir, give me this 81-year-old modernist to your time warped and old worldish 

Do you know Omar Abdullah has even a Facebook profile? 

Special: Start your party

Now come to the latest Mumbai siege. Your reaction to say the least was very 
late and tepid. You failed to infuse any kind of confidence in the people with 
your speech. 

Sir, your party keeps calling the BJP as a non-secular party. You guys have a 
very flawed understanding of the word secular. I think your party is the most 
divisive party in the country. You take the support of the communist who think 
nothing of sharing the dias with Mr Madhani who has been accused of links with 
some terrorist organization. And the feeble argument given is that it still 
isn't proved. 

The 1984 Sikh genocide was a shameful episode in history. I feel it was worse 
than Godhra.  I do not condone Godhra. But Godhra was a reactive episode where 
as the assassinations of thousands of Sikhs was premeditated one. 

Sir, the dead can never come back. But at least I expected that with you as the 
PM at least the brave Sikhs would be given justice. 

It was shocking, therefore, when Tytler whose role was well known was let 

Sir, you are a man of honor. No one can deny that. But you watched silently as 
the great institution of the PM was destroyed by a conniving Congress 
President. I have no problems with her Italian descent. She has been duly 
elected by the people of this country. And it has to be respected. But I have 
problems when she doesn't respect our sacred institutions like the President's 
or the PM post. And you allowed yourself to be a willing accomplice. That 
simply is not expected from a person of your stature. 

Images: Premier fight 

Sir, while voting our country is divided on sharp lines. The Muslims and 
Christians feel insecure with the BJP. The Hindus vote for the BJP because they 
feel insecure with your appeasement policies. Any one who criticizes the 
Congress is branded as communal and anyone who criticizes the BJP as 
Anti-Hindu. Where is economy, progress, health care education? Our villages 
need clean drinking water. Our infrastructure is pathetic. Does any one really 

The Tatas moved their Nano project to Gujarat. Can any sane person call Tata 

The recession is round the corner. Doesn't anyone think any more?

Sir, there may be many safe constituencies. I do realize you had an operation. 
And I am glad that you are sound and safe. I always pray to god that you are 

But how can a PM not be an elected Member. 

The issues are plenty. No one has time to address.

I have very good friends who are Muslims and Christians. They feel insecure 
with the BJP. They have my support. 

BJP Must give them the assurance. They are as much Indians as Hindus and should 
feel they are safe and well protected.
That is something Mr Advani has to address. But as far as I am concerned, my 
vote goes, for now at least, to him. He looks to me a better candidate and the 
BJP a better party.

But, as I said before, it's nothing personal. My respect for you still remains. 


Sudhir Kekre

Sudhir Kekre lives in Miami, Florida.  He does not belong to any party or have 
any affiliations.  A mechanical engineer, he has also worked in the UK for two 
years.  He loves travel  (he has visited more than 10 countries), music and 
writing.  His book is ready for publishing and he is scouting for literary 

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