
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)



To start with, I must apologise for putting you in the basket of
Protestants. My reason for doing so is because such talks usually come
from Protestants who were RC's before and now converted.  Sorry for
being judgmental.
I do not find this forum a right place to discuss this issue as it is
going to go into a long drawn discussion, However, I would like to
mention that one should not focus of secondary and/or symbolic things
but concentrate on the Light that will lead us to salvation. 

There are a few things that I too do not like that happen in the church
but at the same time I choose not to get diverted by the distractions
and if I have a problem with certain rituals and beliefs, I would get it
clarified from the right source or if I am not convinced with the
clarification, I would wait till I come across another source from whom
I can clarify my doubts. 

I do not see Mary as God and to my knowledge I have not come across
anyone in my congregation back in Goa as well as in UAE who consider
Mary as God. I do consider her Mother of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of
God, conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit thus making her womb and
her holy but does not give her the equal status as that of Jesus.
Please correct me if I am wrong. 

Albert writes - "Please read the bible and ask God to reveal Himself to
you before you may any statements." 
Brother, I have not made any statements regarding the church doctrines
or dogma. My statements were solely based on the divisions people create
in the name of religion. If it does not apply to you, please ignore my


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:01:20 +0000
From: Albert Desouza <alizadeso...@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Goanet] God and You reply to Blasio Fernandes
To: Major domo goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Message-ID: <col115-w553c187a889884d83f60adc3...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Blasio Fernandes writes:- I do not know who you are but i can see from
your post that you are a protestant.
Albert replies:- Dear Blasio I am sorry to say that I am still a Roman
catholic but a refined one. I do not know how you can judge me and put
me in a basket of protestants. I do not want to protest against anything
but I am directing you to the Lord. I want you to stop your paganism.
The creation cannot be greater than the master. Please read the bible
and ask God to reveal Himself to you before you may any statements. 
Blasio Fernandes writes:- We RC do not want anyone from other sect to
Dear Blasio please do not be carried away by emotions and blind faith.
When Jesus Christ was here on this very earth there were Jews. Some of
them were blindly following the Egyptian gods . Go the website www
egytians gods and you will learn the similarity between catholics and
Egyptians at those times and even now. The Egyptians believed in the
sun. Their priest used to make wafers of wheat and heat it in the sun
and distribute among its followers. Their leaders used to cut coin
shaped hair on the back of the head to show they were leaders of this
cult. Their main leader used to wear a red cap on his back portion of
the head and used to walk with a big metal stick with a curved portion
on top. They had one top leader who would wear a white cap on the back
portion of his head and carried a mettalic stick . The egyptians
believed in several dieties. Some of the dieties have the body of a
woman and head of the ram. 
For your information I am also a Roman Catholic. I go for sunday mass
and receive communion like you. Please do not be afraid. Today I had
been to church to celebrate the Good Friday. 
I still wish to tell you that Mary is not God the way the RC are making
her to be and she has never promissed to take you to heaven. 

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