
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


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The other day  a friend of mine came to me for my advice.
The house they live in for the last  50 years needed repairs or renovations.
All necessarily licenses from the TCP/PWD/PHC and Panchayat  
been obtained. Now, they wanted to start before the monsoon start.
There is a small strip about 8-10 meters in front of the house/property 
to a Landlord though which they had this only ‘Traditional Access’ based on 
all licenses granted.
(This traditional access in on the border of two properties belonging to two 
separate landlords or it is not something that goes through the middle of one’s 
As heavy vehicles would bring construction material like bricks,
sand etc, he approached the landlord  (This is a routine to inform landlords ) 
but this time the landlord says ‘No’.  Instead, he says to dump all material 
in his property and then shift it to the site manually.
Looks like the landlord is jealous?
Perhaps, he has got something else in his mind.
This landlord has many properties (infact, she is a landlady but property 
affairs controlled by her ‘zanvoim’ or elder son-in-law)
He is even willing to purchase the land strip at market price but they are not 
to sell.
My friend is very upset.
Access denied!
What could be the possible 'Password' for this?
Pl  advise.

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