
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Albert writes:- I am not critising anyone. I asking each of you those who have 
a will to join yourself to God. That is the reason I have chosen the subject 
God and you. It is man who has build compartments .One for the Roman catholics, 
the other for the born again and so on. Who is in the superior compartment is 
for God to decide. The scriptures were there during the time of Jesus too. He 
too went to the temple and read the scroll. Till 1532 we were not christians 
and only in this year we were baptised and made into Christians. We cannot 
afford to remain as half baked Christian who are yet to receive the word ofGod 
and assimilate the same. I believe in Mary and know that she is the mother of 
Jesus. But celebrating her feasts from January first till the end of the year 
without having least knowledge of her virtues is a mortal sin. Mary teaches us 
just two things.1> To do the will of God 2. To show concern for others. Without 
these these two virtues our devotion to Mary is useless. Placing our faith that 
she will take us to heaven if we pray to her is not correct. Let not one blind 
lead the other. Take the bible in your hand, raise your eyes to God and ask Him 
to help you to understand each and every word that you read. Do not be a mere 
blind believer .One who is with Jesus is not against Jesus. The believers whom 
you call Protestants and you are all Christians. 

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