Shoe Flinging Academy
Putting your best boot forward

By Cecil Pinto

This week Professor T Patel, principal of the newly opened Shoe
Flinging Academy (SFA), takes us on a walking tour of his institute.
Based in Caranzalem, the SFA is spread over a ten acre property with a
small cluster of buildings surrounded by bountiful lawns and gardens.
The land was acquired by the Goa Government under the Land
Acquisitions Act and originally given to the mine owning Patel family
to encourage tourism through local participation.

“So tell me Prof Patel, how exactly does a Shoe Flinging Academy get
land that’s earmarked for public activities?”

“Now Cecil, let’s not discuss politics here. I leave the legalities
and ethics of it to my lawyers, PR people and boot lickers who owe me
favours. In fact they advised me to change the name from the earlier
Shoe Hurling Institute of Technology.”

“Ok. Tell me about your courses.”

“We basically offer two courses. Medium Pace Shoe Flinging which is a
six month part-time course and Fast Spin Shoe Flinging which is an
intensive one week full-time course. We also conduct cheaper 6 hour
workshops for those on a shoe-string budget.”

“In this Nike sponsored classroom here, are the students being
instructed about different types of shoes or different types of

“Nothing of that sort Cecil. First we teach our students about the
different forms of injustice and at who shoes can be thrown. For
example in a recent Hotel Land Ordinance case there were many
enemies-of-the-people so to say. Who does one throw the shoe at? The
Governor? No! He was appointed by the Central Government and is a
rubber stamp. The hotel owner? No! He is a businessman trying to make
the maximum money he can, using whatever and whoever it takes. Do you
throw shoes at the employees of the hotel, and some contractors, who
were gullible enough to take out a morcha? No! They were used by the
owner. Who then is answerable to the public? Only our elected
representatives. That is where the shoe fits, and where it should be

“I never thought of all that.”

“So you see Cecil, once a student has passed through our academy he
has a better understanding of where and when to fling shoes. We also
give them a brief understanding about other forms of protest. There is
a misunderstanding that shoe flinging started in Iraq and came to
India via China. This is totally false! Almost every popular form of
protest has its roots in India. Remember that the ultimate form of
protest, satyagraha, was started by Mahatma Gandhi, who incidentally
was mostly barefoot.”

“Accepted Prof, but there are other protest forms that have not
originated in India. For example in the late 1960s in USA we had the
feminist movement which invented the concept of bra burning…”

“Bra burning? How very pathetic. We in India have been burning entire
brides for centuries before that. And then we have Sati and
self-immolation. Also we burn entire communities during riots…”

“You mean India is like the cradle of protest movements?”

“Look around Cecil, we have rasta rokos in villages that have never
had proper roads. We have hunger strikes in areas that are famine
striken. We have sit-down slow-down strikes in Government offices. If
that isn’t self-contradictory what is?”

“Ok Prof Patel, what’s happening in this Reebok sponsored classroom
with all these maps and charts?”

“Plan Making. This is the most important module. You see the
difference between a successful shoe thrower and a failure is all in
the planning. Who are you going to attack? On what grounds? What will
you exclaim? What sort of shoes will you be wearing? How many will you
fling? How will you fling them? Will you wait for the other shoe to
drop? What will…”

“Whoa! Slow down Prof. Lets take the last part. What are the different
types of shoe flinging?”

“It ranges from the extreme Zeidi-Bush Blast where two heavy-duty
boots are flung directly at the target with great accuracy and force
to cause maximum damage, to the relatively benign Singh-Chidambaram
Toss where only one light-weight shoe is pitched in the general
direction of the target and will not cause any harm even if impact

“Which is the superior method?”

“Different strokes for different folks. We warn our students about the
consequences of each action. Choosing a soft target and using a less
aggressive technique not only gets your message across but attracts a
lesser penalty, but if you want to be a hero and get jailed we show
our students how to manage that too.”

“Is the number of shoes a major criteria?”

“We have an entire module dedicated to the type and number of shoes to
be flung. Understand Cecil that immediately once you fling a shoe you
will be bundled away by the security forces. If you threw only one
shoe then you will be left wearing only one and this can be clumsy and
embarrassing. If you flung both your shoes that can be downright
painful being hobbled around without any footwear. Do you carry an
extra single or pair for throwing or wearing? How do you get that past
security? How do you slip in slip-ons? Can you sneak in sneakers? Do
you go solo with your sole?”

“This is quite a complex course. What about getting adequate publicity
for the throw?”

“Indeed. If a shoe was flung in a forest and no one is around to see
it, does it make a sound? This is not a philosphical riddle but a very
serious question for our students. You have to position yourself so
that TV cameras record the shoe being flung – else your purpose is not
served. In this classroom, sponsored by Adidas, we teach students how
to position themselves for maximimum visibilty.”

“How come no women are coming forward to throw their shoes, like those
sexy PETA protestors who would rather go naked than wear fur?”

“We are getting a lot of female students. Currently we are developing
the Stiletto Spin, Cast-a-Croc and the Platform Pitch at our
experimental laboratory sponsored by Bata.”

“Are children allowed to enroll in the academy?”

“No! Don’t be a heel. Politics and protests are for adults. Children
should go for picnics, Cecil. Take your kids to the lovely public
beach at Vainguinim in Dona Paula. There’s lots of fun activities
planned this Sunday.”

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 16th April 2009


Date: 19th April
Time: 5 p.m.onwards
Place: Vainguinim Beach - the public beach that the Cidade has been
treating as it's own private property.

You're invited!

Come help us reclaim the beach.

Bring your friends, family, relatives, dogs, what have you...

There will be

A Quiz presented by Saturday Evening Quiz Club
An Art workshop for Children by Antonio E Costa
Lots of Games
Fun and Frolic
Live music

Come have a blast and make a point

See you at the beach on Sunday

The organisers will have volunteers in the area to guide you to
parking places and to the public pathway to the beach. For further
details contact Venita Coelho at
<venitacoelho at gmail dot com>


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