From: "Santosh Helekar" <>
--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza <> wrote:

Religion is not Science and Science is not Religion. But
there is no conflict between Science and Religion. There is
only integration.

Science and religion have absolutely nothing in common. One cannot and should not integrate the two. Attempting to integrate or mix the two is exactly what is meant by pseudoscience, which is what Fr. Ivo, Gilbert and others are doing.
***Dr.Santosh is in his ivory tower. He is absolutely wrong. He does not understand our view, because he does not know what theology is. Let him read standard theological books and try to refute our statements. What I am saying is not "pseudo-science", but what he is proposing to us in the name of Science. There cannot be conflict between Science and Religion. If there is, then there is something to be repaired somewhere. Either Science must expunge superstitions from Religion or Religion should enlighten Science and Ethics of Science (or Philosophy of Science). We are integrating, not "mixing", Science within the light of Religion...

It is important that lay people be made aware of this scam, and told why it is wrong. Otherwise, they easily fall prey to this feel-good, cultural relativist, fake "can't-we-all-get-along" nonsense, as is evident from the posts from Rita, Maurice, Albert and others that Mario is fending off on my right flank. This mixing has now become a leftist ideological and political movement. It has led to many shady and unethical New Age practices - various faux health and nutrition cults, the so-called alternative medics mixing their untested remedies with modern drugs, and using this backdoor route to "practice" modern medicine without a license, as well as engage in outright quackery.
***He does not know what is quackery. What does he mean by "untested drugs"? Are not homeopathic drugs being tested on human beings? They are efficacious even for animals. Allopathic drugs are tested on guinea pigs. Dr.Santosh is dreaming about our "leftist ideological and political movement". What I am doing is Science and Theology, as it should be...integrated in one vision of life and of the world... There cannot be dichotomy... Most physicians have their diploma and license.

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