I fail to understand why Manohar Parrikar  had to be involved in the
first place in the affairs of the University. Were there no other
'non-political' personages in Goa who could be approached to look into
this matter??

I have filed an RTI application  asking for the relevant details of
the 'sexual' as well as 'ragging' encounters.. and I will want this
entire thing to be thoroughly investigated, impartially, at the
highest level, without any political ..influence whatsoever and the
culprits brought to book irrespective (of who it is)


My dear Florianobab,

When I first saw the AGOSTINHO PROENÇA note on GoaNet, I thought
...."Not again". However, I held back my thoughts on the matter as
there were too many gaps and much vagueness in the PROENÇA post, and
he declared himself unavailable for further interaction - which was
kind of unfortunate.

I applaud you for your very appropriate stand & action you have taken.

That is how it should be. Let the chips fall where they should. I use
this opportunity to comment generically on the PROENÇA (AP) post:
BARE FACTS on the matter of SEXUAL HARASSMENT at Goa University:

AP 1. Sexual Harassment took place towards the end of October 2008.

JC 1: 'Took Place' or 'Allegedly Took Place'?


AP 2: Brought to the notice of the Vice Chancellor by the first week
of November ....nothing was done.
JC 2: If this is accurate, the V-C needs to be investigated.


AP 2b: Women’s Commission refused to entertain the issue, quoting it
was a University problem.
JC 2b: Perhaps, the Women's Commission need to be asked if this is accurate.


AP 2c: NGOs and other Page 3 personalities when approached with the
issue, did nothing.
JC 2c: This is vague. Which NGO was approached by whom? Was it done in
writing and with what evidence?


AP 3:  The issue stagnated till the ragging complaint was registered.
JC 3:  Registered with the police? By the 'alleged victim/? or
somebody else? Why the delay?


AP 4:   Again the Women’s Commission/NGOs were approached, with no
results on both issues.
JC 4:  See 2b (supra)


AP 5:  A contact was made with me; and a meeting was arranged with the
affected students and their parents, in order to study the matter
first hand.
JC 5: Why was Mr. PROENÇA contacted? What is his expertise in matters
of harassment? Who contacted him?


AP 6:  I contacted the Leader of the Opposition, Manohar Parrikar and
discussed the issue threadbare with him.
JC 6:  Does Goa University come under the portfolio of the Leader of
the Opposition? If Not, why was the appropriate Govt Ministry
responsible for GU not contacted? Was express consent sought from the
'alleged victim' for the discussion of her case with a third party? If
NOT, were her rights to Confidentiality violated?


AP 8:  After interaction with the affected students and their parents,
he was convinced that there was a serious problem at the Goa
University. He then made a commitment that he would meet the Vice
Chancellor personally within 48 hours; which he did.
JC 8: Again ...about time to investigate this V-C.


AP 9:  It was only after this meeting with the V.C that Sexual,
Ragging and Grievance Committees were formed/activated and the
proceedings commenced.
JC 9: If this is accurate, time to haul the VC over hot coals.


AP 10:  When the Committee was engaged in investigations, what is
unfortunate is that the girls had a Press Conference with both the
visual and print media and even handed over to the press the Letter
from the victim of sexual harassment;
JC 10: Why is it unfortunate? Isn't it the right of the 'alleged
victims' to make their own case wherever they wish to make it?


AP 10b: What is also bizarre is the counseling session that was held
for the students in the presence of Alito (Sequeira) in his house.
JC 10b: Here, a name is plastered on GoaNet with NO explanation as to
who this Alito is and what his role is in this matter.


AP 10c: Would like to state here that I expressly appealed to the
parents and students to refrain from going to the press, until the
Committee had wound up their investigations.
JC 10c: Why should they refrain from exercising their rights? and when
will these 'investigations' be wound up, anyway?


AP 11:  Now it is alleged that the Church as well as the local MLA
have approached the victim of sexual harassment and are trying to
coerce her into compromising and withdrawing  by using the Cristão
card;  considering that the only person who came forward to help was
from the BJP with an RSS background.
JC 11: I see now that Mr PROENÇA has introduced a 'religion card'.


AP 12:  I would like to state here that Mr. Parrikar’s personal visit
to the University motivated the V.C. to act right away.
JC 12: If it is accurately determined that this VC needed a visit from
a politician to motivate him to carry out his responsibilities, he
should be fired forthwith.


AP 13: The undersigned will not entertain any further debate on the matter.
JC 13: Sad to say but this sounds like, feels like, and is a Hit and Run.



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