Attn JoeGoaUk, press conf at CCP to prevent DIRTYPANJIM pics! ; -)

Thank you.

JoeGoaUk khush hua

Today’s new pics (5/5/09)

Feast of Holy Cross at Campal art park  (opp. INOX)

To the left of it (Cross) there is a pay toilet (about 10 metres)

And this is to the right  (top right decorations (bonderam) also seen)

Distance to toilet is only about 20 meters

The following links can also be used for 'slide show presentation'


Dear Goanetters, especially JoeGoaUk!

I've been looking at the pics  you've been posting and after some 
discussions with some ccp persons, we feel that your pictures help put 
the pressure on keeping panjim clean. There's lots we can do to work 
together, so will e-mail you offlist soon, in the meantime, here's 
something you might find interesting!

The Corporation of the City of Panaji will hold a press conference 
tomorrow at 11am at the CCP Meeting Hall on the 3rd floor of the CCP 
building at Panaji. The subject that would be discusses is the recent 
activities organized by the corporation in managing sections of its 
waste as well as generation of compost for use in farming and gardening. 
This would be done with a photographic presentation, and pictures would 
be made available to the press during the meeting, along with free 
samples of 1 kg of compost.

This meeting is specially for all print and video press persons, 
however, others, including lay persons have been invited to attend.

This shall be first of the many interactive sessions regarding waste 
management. Kindly do make it, though this is announced in such short 
notice as we have put in a lot of information that will be distributed 
during this presentation. Do call me before 11am for any details.


Clinton Vaz
(representing the CCP as an Associate Officer)
+91 9890936828 

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