Floriano writes:

>He came home the 
>second time and never went back. He was back to plucking mangoes, coconuts 
>any odd jobs, painting, white-washing, what have you. Today, he is doing 
>better than a Dubaikar where he was  working for a stevedoring company 
>loading/unloading ships, a back breaking job, and getting half as much what 
>he is getting here.

Very well said Floriano. Opportunities today are in India, perhaps better
than in any other place in the world. That is why, the world's eyes are on

Surely, opportunities dont come announcing they are opportunities. One needs
self-belief more than anything else to grab onto them.

There are umpteen number of stories of Indians making it big. In fact,
India is one country which has created the highest number of billionaires
in the last few years, if at all that is one criteria to go by.


PS: I hope I have given enough material to Valmikibab for his next column
on Herald. :-)


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