Averthanus L. D'Souza wrote:
>Averthanus L. D'Souza.

Here are statements in the above article that are totally absurd, illogical 
and/or false:

>Either there IS a God or there is no God. Richard Dawkins should make up >his 
>mind which. Saying that there is "probably" no God only exposes his >own 
>ignorance and dim wit.

What kind of logic and rationality allows one to conclude that someone is a 
dimwit just because he does not possess absolute certainty about the truth or 
falsity of a faith-based belief?

>They claimed that the use of condoms reduced the chances of the spread of 
>>AIDS - in complete contradiction of all the studies which show that AIDS >is 
>spreading even faster, in spite of (and maybe because of ) the >widespread use 
>of condoms.

The claims that AIDS is spreading even faster is utterly bogus. The implication 
that condom use is not at all effective in preventing AIDS is equally false. 
The truth is that global AIDS incidence is declining. The prevalence is 
declining or leveling off in most countries, including those in Sub-Saharan 
Africa. Condom use, while certainly not 100% effective, is in part responsible 
for these declines. 

>After many years of battling this dreaded disease, the medical >establishment 
>came to the realization that it should place far 
>more emphasis on the "prevention" of the disease, rather than on curing >it. 
>The purely "medical" approach to malaria has been conclusively proven >to be 

This is one of the most ridiculous of false dichotomies I have ever read on 
Goanet. Prevention is a medical approach. Without specific medical knowledge 
about the cause of a disease, how would one know what to do to prevent it? How 
would we adopt measures to get rid of mosquitoes in the case of Malaria? 

What is even more absurd is the author is oblivious of the fact that condom use 
is a preventive measure against AIDS, even in cases of monogamous relationships 
wherein one of the partners has already been infected with HIV?

>Read in its proper context, Pope Benedict's observation makes eminent >sense 
>and deserves the appreciation of everyone, including self-professed >atheists 
>and men of medicine, who often refuse to see beyond the point of >their noses.

The claim made by the Pope that condom use "even aggravates the problems", as 
far as AIDS is concerned, is demonstrably false.

>School children who are just beginning to mature are encouraged to 
>>"experiment" with sex. ..... Now even unnatural "same-sex" activities are 
>>been promoted. 

The above claims are hyperbolic and false. Nobody is actively promoting sex 
among school children or same-sex activities.

>It is not at all surprising that the distortion of sex has resulted in >many 
>medical and sociological (and psychological) diseases. 

A rhetorical statement that is not supported by any factual evidence.

>There are many who will vociferously defend homosexuality as being >"natural" 
>but unless they can demonstrate that heterosexuality is >abnormal, they will 
>fail to be convincing.

An illogical statement! Whether homosexuality is natural, unnatural or 
supernatural has no bearing on the fact that heterosexuality is natural and 
normal. That homosexuality is a normal natural variation of sexuality has been 
demonstrated by countless studies. 




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