Dear  Mr. Barve,
Sameer Kelekar seemed to miss the point that I was making...........that in about 48 years of joining the Indian Union many of our state civil servants, minor bureaucrats, mamlatdars, panchayat officials and some politicians seem to have learnt well from our Delhi masters the practice of extorting bribes with a standard operating attitude of " Bribe me handsomely or I shall stymie your efforts to access services to which you are entitled and frustrate your getting anywhere whether it is a driving licence, attestation of a birth certificate or other documents leading to establishing your title to ancestral/ family property. " W.r.t. to Sammeer`s comment that democracy is not meant for the faint of heart I detcect a laissez-faire attitude of accepting bribery and corruption as the cost of democracy. Why is it that in western countries applicants for services like driving licences do not have to grease a gov. clerk`s palm to proceed with an application and it should be considered acceptable in Goa ?

If you want it easy, it is better to be a slave. Sameer Kelekar

Are we inclined to be slave? or Is it better to be slave with no expectations 
except MOKSHA!

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

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