>Annie wrote: 
> However, a BIG however, we were very saddened that Sister Anne went back
> on her quoted price and totally denied that she quoted Rs.675 per room.
> We had booked two rooms - my sister and mom in one; and my husband and
> I with our 2 year old in another. When she came with the bill she charged
> us Rs.900 per room. We questioned her but she emphatically denied that
> she had ever quoted $675 to either us over the phone or to my cousin
> in person. 

Sometimes Goans don't hear so well. May be Sr. Anne said Rs. 900 but Annie 
heard Rs 675. Just yesterday in Moira (Sat night), Pedro told Anil to "get 
lost" from his bar since he had too many drinks and was getting rowdy. Anil 
heard "The next drink in on the house", so he climbed on the roof and he is 
still there as of this evening.

After Sunday mass in Chicalim, Mrs. D'Souza asked Clive "so when are you going 
to marry my daughter, you have known each other for two years now". Clive heard 
"why don't you escape from my daughter and stay in Bombay at Sr. Anne's 
facility for Rs. 675". 

This Sunday afternoon at the Siolim tar the fisher-woman told Uma, 10 bangde 
for Rs.100. Uma heard 100 bangde for Rs.10. They were still bargaining when I 


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