Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 05:47:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

You should know my favorite phrase, "The eyes sees / reads what the mind 

Mario responds:

Thanks for confirming AGAIN what we have known for some time, that your 
preconceived agenda controls what you see/read.

Gilbert wrote:

I know ... I know... like your partner, there is nothing that you-guys do not 
know..:=))  I am not perfect either.

Mario responds:

It may behoove you to keep both these facts firmly in mind when dealing with 

Gilbert wrote:

If you still do not know the purpose of the thread, read the chronology below. 
A revision of the subject-matter would not hurt .... the cognition - an 
important component of which is memory:=))  If this re-read still does not 
work, it is time for me to say, "Saiba boggos".:=))

Mario responds:

As usual, you have selected and truncated and cut and pasted to suit yourself.

I still don't know the purpose of the thread is but it started off by trying to 
use some selective research to show that church attendance improved cognitive 

I responded that it was the social interaction that may be at work rather than 
simply going to church and suggested the research be expanded to study the 
effect of other social activities on cognitive function.

Ever since you have been rambling incoherently.

Gilbert wrote:

To switch gears, are you in the midst?of the internecine warfare for the 'heart 
and?soul' of the Republican Party that is currently underway?? 

Mario responds:

Not being a member of the Republican party, no, I am not.

However, I am curious as to what Gen. Colin Powell is up to, which seems like a 
scurrilous disinformation campaign to me.

He is suddenly claiming to be a loyal Republican after endorsing and working to 
get Barack Obama elected.  Previously, he had endorsed and supported the 
philosophical polar opposites of Obama, Ronald Reagan and George Bush.  In the 
meantime, he rejected his allegedly old white friend and Vietnam colleague, 
John McCain, but is now strenuously arguing that the Republicans need to be 
more moderate and inclusive, which is exactly what John McCain was, and he was 
soundly beaten as a result of it.

All this is my prima facie evidence that Powell's support for Obama was purely 
racial, that he is not really a Republican at heart even though he may be 
registered as one, and he is now trying to sabotage the Republican party by 
advocating policies that contributed to their defeat last November so as to to 
get Obama and other Democrats re-elected.

Gilbert wrote:

Yet, as I look at it, it is another example of Americans blaming somebody-else.

Mario responds:

It continues to amaze me how you find and follow the most ignorant and biased 
bloggers in America.  Andrew Sullivan is a far left wing advocate for the 
homosexual community and knows about as much as you do about economics.

He obviously has no idea that the roots of the current financial crisis are in 
the Community Reinvestment Act, supported mostly by Democrats from Carter to 
Clinton to Obama, which tried to subvert capitalism by using government 
regulations to force banks to lower their credit standards to lend to low 
income home buyers.

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