I wish to inform that our Main Celebrant and Chief Guest of Honour for the 2009 
Calangute Social to be held on Sunday, July 19th, 2009, at Europa Convention 
Centre, Mississauga,Canada will be His Excellency, The Most Reverend Alex Dias, 
SFX, Bishop of Port Blair, Andamans, India (Son of Calangute who is specially 
traveling all the way from India to attend our Social this year).


This year Bishop Alex Dias is celebrating the Silver Jubilee (25 Years) of His 
Episcopal Consecration. 


I request every villager and friends from Calangute  to support the Executive 
Committee by attending the 2009 Calangute Social. Success however, can only be 
achieved through the participation and support of all the villagers and friends.

 Antonio Mascarenhas

Calangute Association of Canada

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