When I went about having organized the all Goa brainstorming sessions in 1999, sickened
to the bone marrow by the CONGRESSMENs' culture of defections in Goa
(Sardinha's exit from Congress to form the government with BJP support), one thing which stood out loud and clear was that the CONGRESS in Goa was beyond redemption as it was not really the CONGRESS at all but a hotch-potch mixed brew of self-seeking political mercenaries. And it became all the more clear from these sessions that if at all something had to be done, it was to fight dirty politics with clean, sincere and self-sacrificing politics. And voila ! GOA SU-RAJ was born.

Today, at the threshold of a decade after this historic event of August, 2000, I commend Nisser Dias for having said what he has said in his bold write-up.

I have always been the votary of the 'basic' CONGRESS thought process, with no doubt in my mind whatsoever that from time to time, having put to the test of fire, it will always come out shining, it having been the party that brought independence to this country, a party of great minds and rock solid will to succeed. The people of India, for their part, have shown the door to this party more than once, hoping that it will shake itself, violently if necessary, to get rid of the added trash it collected on its way and come out shining once again. Elections 2009 is one such test of fire and the the people of India have brought the CONGRESS out shining by decimating the communal Baah Jaah Paah and the commie left, etc. It is only hoped that it will maintain the 'shine'. However, there is no doubt in my mind that with genuine persons like Dr. Manmohan Singh around, the shine will be maintained. But as far as this little state of Goa is concerned, inspite of the good intensioned persons like Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Goa Congress has to be burnt at the stake, not allowing it to come out of the fire, for it has been totally and absolutely corrupted in body and mind. And the bearer of the flaming torch that will strike fire at the base of the (Goa) congress stake will be the Goa Su-Raj Party. It will be interesting to see if Dr. Manmohan Singh, in all his genuineness and goodwill, will be able to douse this flaming torch with enough water to save Goa Congress from its inevitable demise.

I will venture with one example why Goa Congress has to be burnt at the stake.

Take, for instance, the mind boggling serial killings of 'Mahanand Naik'. It becomes more and more obvious that Mahanand has been the protege of an influential Congressman who has been sheltering him, to exhibit the boldness with which he has been going ahead to do what he has done for these many many years. If my memory serves me right, there was the 'acid throwing case' on a lady in Duler, Mapusa some time ago. The suspect has never been identified and brought to book despite many vital leads. I have reasons to believe that this suspect was also the protege of this influential Congressman as he is believed to be hailing from Ponda area.

The Goa Su-Raj's flaming torch that will burn such influential Congressmen at the stake will be:

IC [Influential Congressmem/Politicians] calling the Incharge of the concerned Police Station [PI]:

Prevailing scene:
IC: "You have just arrested Mr. 'X' [Mahanand Naik]. See that he goes home with a clean slate. He is my man." PI: ( Standing at attention and saluting) "YES SIR". "This will be done immediately".

The scene that will prevail with GSRP at the helm of Goa's administration:

IC [or whoever]: "You have just arrested Mr. 'X' . See that he goes home with a clean slate. He is my man."

PI: "Yes Sir" ( no salute). "Only thing you must do is to come to the Police Station and sign for Mr. X's release. It is necessary we have the record that you vouch for him. Instructions from TOP, Sir."


----- Original Message ----- From: "Goanet Reader" <goanetrea...@gmail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 4:20 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: ... there isn't a true Congressman in
Goa(Nisser Dias)

Believe it or not: there isn't a true Congressman in Goa

The recent election results are
a mandate for Congress to
inculcate discipline in its
elected representatives, writes
Nisser Dias [nisserd...@gmail.com]

The Indian National Congress has put up a good show at the
2009 Parliamentary elections since the time it had got a two
third majority in the Lok Sabha under the leadership of late
Rajiv Gandhi.

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