Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 15:26:36 +0000
From: Naguesh Bhatcar <>

It is not by chance that kids of Indians, do well at these US Spelling Bee or 
Geographic Bee. They take great pains to push their kids to do it.
Parents of Indian kids are known to put a lot of pressure on their kids to 
stand out.  It is even said that they live their lives through the achievements 
of their kids!!

Mario adds:

Naguesh is generally correct in his observation.  Indian American parents push 
their kids to do well across the board which is why the Indian community 
dominates the academic scene in the US in just one generation.  However, it has 
to be more than parents pushing the kids.  At this level, the kids, too, must 
participate and enjoy the competition.

Many other Americans push their kids as well, except that they focus on other 
activities like sports or music or dance or acting, which is why they excel in 
those areas.

Spelling is not a high priority for most other Americans, especially in this 
day and age of the Internet where spell check can do your spelling for you, and 
the growing popularity of texting and tweeting where abbreviations are popular.

Most Indian American kids are unable to compete in the physical activities 
mentioned above that other Americans excel in, so spelling and academics is 
where they find it possible to distinguish themselves.


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