Aye Madame Goaswamy,
it appears your curious, repetitive and tiresome line on 'we are
Endian.......' etc, etc...is getting annoying!

Yours truly is Goan first, and Goan last. I am nothing but Goan all
the way, its the way I feel and very proudly so.  Its my identity and
carry it proudly, our language Concani, our land, our way of life, our
past, our Goaness,..........and I tell anyone who cares to ask (and
there are a lot of people, mostly nicely dressed and sweet smelling
women,who ask) where I am from: am from Goa dammit and I am Goan!
Truly Goan. And what is wrong with that? If you are so apologetic for
being Goan (I doubt you are Goan and I won't argue- owning some
property does not......., nor a local cross...or being honest does
not.....), its your free will to call yourself what you wish. If this
was a reality show, I would vote....... This list is pretty much a of
celebration our Goanness, every thing Goan including our pride!

A minor argument why I think we are unique as a lot: look at the way
we do politics. We are hopeless, we care less (nothing to be proud of
btw) and we are yearnings for a dictatorship of some sorts. We are
hardly like the rest of Endia or Endians who vote wisely in elections,
who complain of corruption, who have a democratic press. We are latin
in spirit and culturally (or what ever is left of it)! We are but
Goan, and our sport is bullfighting and football and our drink is a
smelly feni and a land where no law applies but our very own bent and
twisted, our is a land is full of joy and laughter and forgetting and
great natural beauty! There is nothing wrong in fighting to keep our
way of life, our name, our way!

A quick clarification: I do not agree with the anti-migrant labour
uttering but migrant labour certainly do not add value to our
surroundings. But I guess its todays reality.
NOTE: no personal replies, please.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:59 AM, Ana Maria de
souza-Goswami<anamari...@dataone.in> wrote:
> Thanks Vivian for taking up for me.
> I cannot just understand why Goans are against migrant labourers. My maid is
> a Muslim from Karnataka. Honest to the core. Very clean, unlike some Goan
> maids  who don't have a bath before coming to work.  this is the usual
> complain of friends of mine who employed goan maids.

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