Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 05:03:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

Darn those instant references, fact-checking, transcripts and video-links. More 
increasingly, the right-wing is being caught red-handed lying about the facts. 
Finally they are getting around to acknowledging??... and... apologizing, in 
some cases.

See below:

Mario responds:

This thread is a discussion on the Canadian health care system.  I wonder if 
Gilbert understood that???:-))

In response, the link that Gilbert has posted above has nothing to do with 
health care.  It is about a comment made by talk show host, Bill O'Reilly, who 
alleged that CNN had not covered the news of a certain incident where a Muslim 
convert and religious fanatic had murdered a US Army recruiter.  O'Reilly was 
mistaken, because there was some coverage of the news by CNN, so he apologized 
when it was shown that he was wrong.
As Fred, who I'm sure has unintentionally misreported a fact or two would 
write, ???????????????????????????????, i.e. what's the big deal when compared 
to all the falsehoods posted daily on Gilbert's favorite source of far left 
wing propaganda that the writers never apologize for??????????????????????

BTW, the CNN reporter, Rick Sanchez, is a far left wing zealot who has also had 
incidents of false and misleading opinions that he represented as news that 
have been widely discredited as phony journalism.  No wonder Gilbert is quoting 

Gilbert wrote:

At least the right wing radio and TV distorts the truth for the million of 
dollars in profit. Pray, please tell me why would other individuals do it?? 
Ania tea Bahia on Garnet?:=)) Merely for writing down distortions of the truth 
or displaying their ignorance?

The shrill America-first writings should be reserved for the right-wing blags 
or in mass-mailing to the Republicans.  That script is a good hook for rallying 
the conservative party-faithful and of course for fund-raising. 

Mario observes:

Here we see Gilbert - who is allegedly a physician in an American state which 
borders Canada and should thus know better from all the Canadians who come 
south when they want to improve the chances of prolonging their lives - 
displaying his far left wing bias with more embarrassing comments that have 
nothing to do with the thread, while building yet another trademark straw man..

Perhaps the following information will educate him as well on the wonders of 
the Canadian health care system and bring him up to date on the thread.

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 11:27:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo <>

For those who are not aware of it, the Canadian health care system is funded by 
the Federal Govt AND the province you live in with most services provided by 
private entities. As a frequent user of the system, I am totally satisfied with 
the services I receive in Ontario.

Also keep in mind that when waiting times get unacceptable, those effected will 
make a big noise about it and the Gov ts are forced to take notice or collapse.

I am confident that Barrack (blessed be, his name) will use the Canadian model 
to radically change the US health care system. However, since the US is 
essentially broke, there is the possibility that the needed changes will only 
be implemented in a watered down or superficial manner.

Mario observes:

Folks, the "...funded by the Federal Govt AND the province you live in..." is 
an euphemism for PAID FOR BY THE TAXPAYERS THROUGH THEIR TAXES.  This enables 
them to call the system FREE:-))

However, rather than pay the service provider directly, government bureaucrats 
take the money and pay the providers.  It's sort of like feeding a pig through 
a horse:-)) 

It looks like Bosco's misguided comments which I have responded to separately, 
have spawned these typically anti-American posts from Gilbert and Mervyn, 
displaying, at best, notable bias and propaganda and, at worst, 
outright misrepresentations about the Canadian health care system as shown by 
the links above of information gathered by a Canadian economist who specializes 
in the Canadian health care system and uses serious research and not the 
anecdotes and distortions provided by biased Goanetters with an agenda.
Mervyn suggests that if there were "unacceptable" waiting lists the citizens 
would "make noise" and the Govts would have to take notice.  I guess the fact 
that the waiting lists are worse today than in the past shows what is 
"accceptable" in Canada where they claim to have a superior quality of life, 
whereas the most immigrants head for the US as a first preference because 
of its low quailty of life:-))

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 19:51:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes <>

Isn't it ironic that Mario, the self appointed critic of other nation's 
socialized health care is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the patchwork 
socialized medicinal system in America? 

Mario observes:
And I don't have to deal with waiting lists either as EVERYONE in Canada can be 
faced with if they need a serious health care procedure:-))

BTW, as the sole voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet I must clarify that 
I am only a critic of those who provide false information and blatant 
misrepresentations of the world around us.

But, isn't it ironic that Marlon, who joins his far left wing cronies, Gilbert 
and Mervyn, ALL want the same government paid health care system for ALL 
Americans instead of just us senior citizens?

Marlon wrote:

The problem with the US system is definitely not because it is underfunded. 
Quite the contrary, the US spends a far larger share of its GNP on health care 
than Canada. For a variety of reasons, US health care is just too expensive for 
the return one gets.

Mario responds:

I'm not sure which planet YOU live on, Marlon, or what fragrant substance 
you happen to be inhaling at the moment, but the returns on the Canadian health 
care system have been documented by Nadeem Esmail in the links above.  The 
returns we get here in the US are listed in the following 

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