I have just read Goa Home Minister Ravi Naik’s outrageous statements about
tourists visiting Goa. I must say that it is a wonder that Goa has any
tourism business left after the way we tourists are treated, and this even
before Mr Naik’s insulting outburst!
It is about time the Goan people looked at their government and questioned
what they really do with the tourist income they receive. Year upon year
promises are made and those promises are broken (River Princess, garbage,
I have been visiting Goa for the past 10 years and stayed at various
‘upmarket’ hotels, and all I have seen during that time is Goa slowly
sliding downhill in infrastructure , honesty and quality. We hear how Goa
wants ‘upmarket’ tourists. Well, I have some bad news for you, Goa – you are
not an upmarket destination and with the worldwide recession Mr Naik’s
remarks will not enhance your reputation in the slightest!
I for one will not be visiting your shores again. My money will be spent in
destinations that are truly upmarket and really do welcome the tourist with
open arms.
PS: I have just read Churchill Alemao’s statement proclaiming that “Goa
doesn’t need any more tourists”. Well said, Mr Alemao, as Goa cannot even
look after the tourists she gets now!

- *Simon Cowell, London*


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