-----Original Message-----
From: Mario Goveia

> Mario wrote:

> To the rest of Goanet, Bosco, who lives in Canada, as does Mervyn, says the 
> information I posted from 2-0-0-6 is "outdated" and tries to ridicule me for 
> posting it!!  Well, I just chose that one article from a plethora of sources 
> on 
> the wonders of the Canadian health care system and thus unintentionally 
> provided 
> Bosco with the bait to embarrass himself:-))

> To be fair to myself, I DID say the FREE Canadian health care system works 
> great 
> for hang nails, and probably for coughs and colds and other simple procedures 
> that 
> are non-life-threatening as well.

> I wonder if information from March 26, 2009 written by serious Canadians who 
> actually study these things as compared with the supposed ad hoc views of 
> friends 
> and relatives, will make a better impression on Bosco, or will he resort to 
> demonizing the messenger again.

> http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS107447+26-Mar-2009+PRN20090326

> Hey, Bosco, I wonder if Nadeem Esmail is as "greedy" as Dr. Brian Day:-))

RESPONSE: 'Serious Canadians'!!! There is no such thing!!!! 'Study'?? This is 
not a 
replicate of the Cato Institute, ok!!!

The 'respected' Fraser Institute is a right-leaning, conservative think-tank 
registered charity. It is a promoter of "greater private sector involvement in 
delivery of healthcare insurance and services" [1] aka US-style of delivery of 
medicare. Naturally, it is opposed to the Canada Health Act and the 
role in delivering healthcare. Is it any surprise it generates reports saying 
sky is falling down on the Canadian Health System"??

The 'respected' Fraser Institute has a luminous list of staffers. Among them 
Harris, former Conservative Premier of Ontario, famous for ravaging the 
health-system in the province of Ontario during his two-terms in office in the 
Another infamous staffer is Preston Manning, founder of the far-right Reform 
of Canada (1987 - 2000) [2]. Canada's current PM, Harper is a key-player from 
early Reform Party days.

Nadeem Esmail is employed by the Fraser Institute. He is Director, Health 
Performance Studies. He is employed by a conservative think-tank that opposes 
government's role in delivering healthcare.

Dr Brian Day, is the former president of the Canadian Medical Association. He 
is an 
advocate for privatizing health care. [3]

Having said that, no report or interview of any hot-shot is going to take away 
a first-hand experience that Mervyn describes himself. I can relate to several 
of severely ill friends who received timely care and made complete recoveries 
serious illnesses. On the flip-side the Canadian Health System is not perfect 
not consistent across the country. Health is a provincial portfolio.

The 'respected' Fraser Institute also generates another annual report - school 
report cards and ranking of schools in Ontario. Yes, I too notice the 
obsession with Ontario. Need I add, the institute promotes private schooling 
tax-payer/public-funded school boards.

Good luck with your cut-and-paste jobs!! Glad it keeps you busy......:-))
Nevertheless, can you take this thread back to its origins? More than unlikely, 
do prove me wrong!! Do you feel demonized, again??? Tch-tch-tch!!!!.....:-))

- Bosco


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Institute

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reform_Party_of_Canada

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Day

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