

The Editor

Gomantak Times, St. Inez, Goa.




Please publish the below given letter in 'Letters to the Editor' section.



Tomazinho Cardozo


Disseminating ignorance

Mr. S. M. Borges's letter - Disseminating ignorance - published on your daily 
dated June 10, 2009 is the result of frustration. I say it is frustration only 
because he has unnecessarily mixed the payment I get as a columnist with the 
issue in question. My friend Mr. Borges gets excited immediately if any one 
states that DKA was formed to fight the injustice meted to Konkani in Roman 
script. It is because he is wearing glasses through which he can see only 
Konkani in Devnagori script and nothing else. I have always stated that Konkani 
in Roman script should be given equal status with Konkani in Devnagori script 
in the Official Language Act of Goa. My friend Mr. Borges opposes it with all 
his might because his ultimate aim is to see the end of Konkani in Roman script 
as soon as possible. 


Mr. Borges has a lot of time to write letters after letters and he feels that 
everyone else too lives in the same way. Every minute is precious to me and 
hence I would not like to waste my precious time in answering questions of Mr. 
Borges who is not any authority to decide on the issue.


Nevertheless I am prepared to clear all the issues in the confused mind of Mr. 
Borges regarding Konkani in Roman script. Let us have a one to one, face to 
face live debate on this issue in the presence of the media - printed as well 
as electronic - and the people. If that happens then only we shall be in a 
position to state who is disseminating ignorance, false information and 
manipulated history.


I give first preference to Mr. S. M. Borges to organize this debate and if he 
is not able to do so then I take the responsibility to organize the same. If 
agreeable then Mr. Borges may contact me on my cell phone 9822170102. 


Tomazinho Cardozo


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