As a person who is best known for his photographs of various Goan
sites, JoeGoaUK is also known as being the anonymous BJP supporter who
surely must have been disappointed by the recent election results.

It is usually not worth commenting on comments put out by people who
hide in anonymity, or by those who suddenly spring up and decide to
hold 'intellectual' discussions armed with Rough Guides.

Even so (and with the anticipation that some ex-priest will jump up
and slam the Church - more or less like an ex-member of a political
party slams his former party), here are my comments (interspersed).

JoeGoaUk  wrote(JGK)

JGK[1] Non- Christian being the majority in Goa, they did try to bring
it up, as a part of history,  in the form of a VCD but it did not go
well with the Christians and the same was withdrawn.

jc 1: What a cowardly or ignorant (at best) statement that is. It
fails to mention the crucial reason WHY this infamous VCD had to be
withdrawn i.e. because it contained FAKE stuff and implications.


JGK [2] It’s true, we being Goans, don’t know much about our tiny
Goa’s history but we often learn it from others or outsiders.

jc2: Perhaps, JGK is talking about himself.


JGK [3] Talking about Bom Jesus Basilica, I was even told more than
once that  St. Francis Xavier himself ordered inquisition.

jc3: Yes ....and I was told more than twice that JoeGoaUK "ordered"
the inquisition on 4 separate occasions along with Kingfisher beer on
each of those occasions.

A few preliminary questions might help this point of JoeGoaUK. (1)
What does JGK mean by the word "ordered"? (2) Was SFX alive when the
Inquisition came to Goa - a full 9 years after his death?


JGK [4]  I don’t know if that is true. Some could send me a pointer
(privately) to any such articles on the net etc

jc4: Why is that? Are you unable to access the net (or saffron
propaganda) in Goa?


JGK [5] Saiba SFX, bhogos maka hanv chuklam zalear

jc4: This is NOT a chuk. This is a mischievous attempt to use words to
slander SFX.

It might help the discussion IF people were not sniping from the
shadows as JoeGoaUK is known to do.

As far as the Sapna is concerned, I am sure she is also researching
Sati, Devadasi, Female foeticide et other issues and will be meeting
us at the laundry to wash ALL the dirty linen.

Then we can talk about ALL the people killed in the Maha-Wars,
Kalinga, Partition and perhaps JGK's Gujarat.

We will NOT talk about the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre, the Black hole
of Calcutta, Northern Ireland and other british enterprises as we have
not yet firmly established that Sapna Shahani is in fact an


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