Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:04:10 +0100
From: "Eddie Fernandes" <>

Source: Hindustan Times. 14 June 2009

The Goan Catholic way of life may one day be an entry in a museum. Prabuddha 
Dasgupta takes a personal journey through the homes of India's last Europeans 
in a new book about the Catholic Community in Goa, titled Edge of Faith which 
will be published by Seagull Books this September. 

Dasgupta moved to Goa three and a half years ago

It's common for Catholics to pray at the temple of Kamakshi near Shirodha 

Mario observes:

I was unable to find the source mentioned above to see what exactly was written 
in the Hindustan Times about the title of this post, but the excerpt seems to 
refer to Goan Catholics as "India's last Europeans", but who also pray at a 
Hindu temple.  Hanh?!

Can Eddie or anyone else shed some more light on this?

I can't wait to see the reactions to this of the Goan Catholics who recently 
took umbrage at the nerve of a new non-Goan Goanetter to bring up the 
Inquisition ostensibly concerned that it would besmirch Christians and create 
conflict with others in India.

Now they are being called "India's last Europeans" who pray at a Hindu 
temple:-))  Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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