Dear Moderator,


Please ignore the previous post and post the present one 



Goa's Identity Movement


If one looks at the great personalities in world history, most of them were
normal people doing the their normal chores and the lives of some of these great
icons changed due to some simple incidents in their lives, like an apple falling
on Newtons head, gave us Law of Gravity, The great Archimedes ran naked into the
streets crying eureka when he was forced up in his bath tub to give us the
something called the force of buoyancy, Kukle's dream gave us ring molecules in
hydrocarbons  and of course a shuffle in a train compartment in South Africa
gave us The Mahatma. I remember Mr. Nelson Mandela proudly proclaiming that
India gave South Africa Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but it was South Africa that
gave the world The Mathama. Hold on guys, I am not giving a history lesson but I
was just thinking what will it take us Goans to wake up from our Rip Van Winkle
sleep and see the ground realities in Goa ? 


It's been almost a year since I have been active on Goanet and have been amazed
at the jest of one Mr. Arwin Mesquita, before you people jump up to conclusions,
no, I am not comparing him to any of the above mentioned personalities, but just
want to make sure that most of our Goans are aware of his continues interest in
the wellbeing of Goa and Goans. I have had the pleasure of meeting him on a
couple of occasions and am amazed at his die hard never give up attitude and his
passion for Goa. He has been continuously posting articles on all Goa related
cyber-forums and news papers in Goa. I am sure most people will think, all that
he is doing is blowing hot air in cyber space, but no my friends, he has been
actively coordinating with most of the like minded ground activists and Goans in
Goa and overseas supporting their causes and asking for support the causes for
Goa and It's Identity 


It is he who started the Save Goa Identity Movement here in Dubai, and have been
meeting the CM, Ministers, Politicians and other bureaucrats and pushing them
for answers on his every visit to Goa and via electronic media. He has been very
vocal in his ideas to save Goa's Identity, at the moment he does look like a
lone voice crying in the wilderness, which no one seems to hears but as the
saying goes "one tree can produce millions of match sticks but it takes just one
match stick to burn million of trees"  I only hope and pray that his cries in
the wilderness light up enough of Goan hearts far and wide.


Whatever good we may do, we are always subjected to criticism, as a young lad, I
myself had this affinity to do some thing good for my village and community but
soon realised there were a lot who suspected me of ulterior motives in whatever
I stood for, and was frustrated and dejected and finally gave up, but
fortunately or unfortunately the voice in the wilderness sparked off and
rekindled my dormant enthusiasm and passion and have been actively helping in
the cause in whatever way I can, I know it's  miniscule, but if we all do our
small bits, together we could surely do the required, to save Goa and Our Goan
Identity which is most certainly threatened at this point in time.  


The migrant issue is a very delicate one, even the Church Authorities will not
support any stand against migrants for the sake of humanitarian cause, along
with the Church there are a lot of Goans who think like wise. I dare say they
are wrong, but at the same time we have to take every precaution not to let Goa
be of the Non Goans, by being out numbered and our, traditions, customs and our
rich heritage which together makes up our Identity ebb and die a slow and
agonising death. Not that we can't do it in a humane way, what we need is
commitment from our elite politicians and Goans themselves. It's a hard but
sorry fact that Goa cannot survive without migrant workers, but at the same time
do not forget Goa will not be Goa if we do not control this present influx of


As far as I can remember since my childhood, Goa has not seen any major
upheavals, except during the Konkanni agitation, compared to the rest of India,
Goa has been projected as a jewel of peace, tranquility and ofcourse debauchery
for all the perverts to who wish to drown themselves in the joys of dark
sorrows. This is major cause for the one way surge in traffic of people into
Goa, the second being, Goa is literate and hence Goans are looking for a better
and easy way of like, forgetting in the joys and fruits  of labour and hardwork.
Compared to rest of India we are a much better off, bunch of people and with the
riches of the Gulf and elsewhere along with that of the high seas, we have
opened the forbidden door and invited trouble and trouble in abundance in the
form of labour influx, we Goans are the root cause of this evil and it is we
Goans who have to urgently find an amicable answer to this gigantic conundrum. 


Arwin had seen this quandary coming and started an awareness campaign to
highlight the pros and cons and proposed his suggestions for solution as well,
let's all give him our ears and reflect on the enormity of this glitch and look
for the CAN DO's rather than be a hindrance and obstacles on this path. Let us
all try to contribute to this worthy cause in a worthy manner, thinking we are
humans as well as Goans.   God Bless Goa


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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