
Mumbai-born to 'Mata Hari': Sabrina de Sousa's amazing story

Rediff News Bureau

June 17, 2009 14:06 IST

A naturalised American, originally from Mumbai, is at the heart of an
inter-continental legal battle that involves spies, the War on Terror
and the tactic of 'rendition', in which the United States had suspects
kidnapped and transported to neutral nations for interrogation, mostly
under torture.

Mumbai-born Sabrina de Sousa, who became an American citizen in 1985,
is among 26 American officials suspected to be Central Intelligence
Agency operatives who are being tried in absentia in Italian courts
for the rendition to Egypt of Hasan Mustafa Abu Nasr, aka Abu Omar,
from a Milan street in 2003.

This is the first trial to examine the much-abused rendition process.

Abu Omar was allegedly flown to Egypt where he says he was kept in a
rat-infested cell and given electric shocks to his private parts as
part of torture. He was released four years later when he filed a
civil suit against his rendition.

In 2006 a warrant was issued for de Souza's arrest, but she has stayed
put in the US after returning in 2004. Fearing travel outside will
lead to her arrest, she has even skipped visiting Mumbai -- barring
one visit in March 2008 -- where her mother is said to be ill. The US
State Department too revoked her diplomatic passport.

The Italian arrest warrant states that 54-year-old de Souza, working
as an undercover CIA officer at the US consulate in Milan, was
involved in a plot to kidnap Abu Omar who was believed to have links
to Al Qaeda [Images] as well as plotting the overthrow of the Egyptian
government. In February 2007, Judge Oscar Magi in Milan indicted 26 US
government officials, including de Souza, for their alleged role in
Abu Omar's abduction.

The Italian media has compared her to the infamous spy Mata Hari. De
Souza's lawsuit against the US government highlights this as well.

Last month a judge in Italy [Images] ruled that the trial will
continue, even while excluding evidence on the grounds of state
secrecy. At the trial Italian officials have testified that de Souza
was a top CIA official in Italy.

Last month, de Souza filed a lawsuit against the State Department and
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [Images] seeking diplomatic
immunity against the Italian prosecution.

In her lawsuit, available online, she says at the time Abu Omar was
kidnapped in Milan she was vacationing at a ski resort nearly 130
miles away. She even produced copies of credit card bills to The New
York Times to back up her claim.

She says she has been interceding with the US government since 2006 to
invoke diplomatic immunity for her, but she has received no response.
After President Barack Obama [Images] took office, she tried again,
but, given the continued cold shoulder, she decided to file a civil
lawsuit against the US government after resigning from the State
Department in February.

'Being assigned overseas to represent the US is one of the highest
honours one can experience and while I don't expect credit for this
service, I certainly don't expect to end up a criminal in the eyes of
the world, with my future and honour at stake while the government
silently stands by providing no plausible explanation for inaction,'
she told India West newspaper.

Her attorney Mark Zaid has been quoted as saying that even if
convicted in Italy, she won't have to face a jail sentence if she
stays on in the US.

Her suit, while identifying her as a US foreign service officer from
1998 to 2009, is silent on any CIA link-up. Among the places she has
served, according to her lawsuit, are the US embassy in Rome and

Interestingly, the US Congressional Quarterly blog Spy Talk, quoting
reporter Matthew Cole, who is believed to be writing a book on the Abu
Omar kidnapping, says de Souza was inducted into the CIA in the
mid-1980s by her then husband Mike Herbert, a career CIA officer. Her
lawsuit makes no mention of this.

Before becoming a field officer, Cole says de Souza was part of a
freelance surveillance team at the US Counter-Terrorism Centre.

'Several Italian intelligence and counter-terrorism officers told the
Milan prosecutor that they were introduced to de Sousa as their new
CIA liaison in Milan,' Cole, who has interviewed Italian officers at
length, was quoted as saying on the blog.

According to him, one Italian general even complained that de Souza
treated him like a 'Third World general.'

Cole agrees that de Souza was not present at the actual moment of
rendition. 'She was involved in the early planning and preparatory
stages of the Abu Omar rendition and had some logistical role in the
days leading up to it. She was not present when the abduction took
place,' he said.

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