Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 04:56:40 -0700 (PDT)

Now, we have still not got the answer to the question whether JC exists
or not. And if he indeed exists, is he a Monis or something else ? :-)

Mario observes:

The "entity" known to us as JC provides questions, not answers [except when he 
is excoriating Americans for liberating innocent Muslims]:-))

The only way to know for sure whether he/she exists or not is to put him/her to 
an adaptation of his/her own tests from:

b: Advise us WHO he/she really is, and where he/she suddenly sprung up from 
years ago on Goanet. Most of us here know basically who the other person is or 
is not. Perhaps, he/she will identify ONE Goan who can confirm who he/she is. 
After all, he/she has been (allegedly) visiting Goa for the past 30 years AND 
"would have invited me to his/her house (obviously in Goa) to confirm that 
he/she is a Goan; so somebody must know him/her. Would you not say so?

Please do not tell me that he/she is a mere "Sapna" whom you, Mario know
[end of excerpt]

And from his/her post:

a: Since you make a claim of being a real Goan, Please expand

b: Since you clain to have been "brought up as a Catholic" please
advise IF you ever practised Catholicism and if you still do.
If you have fallen out, it will be easier to understand. Some Catholic
priests who took advantage of the Church (for education) are (as
expected) quite anti-Catholic.

c: Have you written/presented in public ..... on any of the following (1-6) 
topics ?

1. Inquistion
2. St Francis Xavier
3. Mother Teresa
4. Sonia Gandhi
5. The Da Vinci Code
6. The abuse scandal.

d: have you (or anyone on your behalf) ever claimed to have answers to
the Da Vinci Code?
[end of excerpt]

Since I'm certain that JC is a "monis" who can pass his own tests I prefer to 
respond, or not, to what he writes here on Goanet:-))

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