When there is pandemonium at the Gram Sabha meeting it
> quickly gets dubbed as 'anarchy' by urban elitist leaders of
> Goa Bachao Abhiyan fame. But when the State Assembly and
> Parliament is adjourned or disrupted for days on end, and
> all sorts of demands are made by the members, do they also
> call this anarchy? When decisions of the people do not
> conform with the ambitions and greed of the rich and famous
> or the real estate lobby, the Gram Sabha numbers make it
> undemocratic and the debates makes it anarchist?
Soter D'Souza is fooling himself if he thinks that gram sabha disarray is an 
"urban elitist" problem created by the "ambitions and greed of the rich and 
famous". When I have a little time I will write a long post on exactly how much 
a perversion of democracy these institutions are and to think that they could 
be empowered to take decisions binding on the State is a frightening thought, 
not to the "urban, rich and famous" but to the poor, disempowered, 
disenfranchised and voiceless people of Goa.



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