
Attached are the Schemes and Programmes of Tiatr Academy of Goa for the 
year 2009 - 10



Tiatr Academy of Goa

Panaji - Goa

Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) addressed the 
Press on  3rd July, 2009 in order to announce about the schemes and activities 
the TAG for the financial year 2009 - 2010.

The details are as under:

Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) was officially inaugurated on 16th Februray, 2009 by 
Hon. Chief Minister of Goa, Shri. Digamber Kamat. Soon after the inauguration, 
of Conduct due to Parliamentary Election was announced by the Election 
Commission of 
India. Government could not transfer any funds to TAG and the TAG could not do 
activities. It is only when the Code of Conduct was lifted by the Election 
Commission in the month of May, the TAG started functioning.

A meeting of all Tiatr artistes of Goa was also convened and their views were 
taken for planning for the year 2009 - 2010

The activities planned for the year 2009 - 2010 are as follows:

     (i) Documentation of the history of Tiatr

(a) TAG has resolved to document the history and experiences in the

      field of Tiatr by interviewing old artistes of Tiatr which includes 

     directors, actors, singers, musicians, persons involved in stage setting, 

     effects, background music, etc. etc. on VCDs and DVDs.

      (b) It was also resolved to document the history of tiatr by publishing 

            history,  critical appreciation and on any other  topics related to 
Tiatr, its song and


      (ii) Encouragement to production of Tiatr in villages

        TAG has resolved to formulate a scheme to promote tiatr activities in 
villages among the children and youth by giving them the required financial and 
technical support. Institutions / groups / dramatic troupes / etc interested in 
promoting Tiatr culture among the children/youth in the villages can take 
benefit of 
this scheme. The participating children/youth must be the residents of that 
and their age should not exceed 20 years. Maximum of five senior artistes from 
same village will be permitted to act in that tiatr.

     (iii) Promotion of Tiatr through educational institutions

        TAG felt that the students in the schools and colleges must be made 
aware of 
the Goan traditional Tiatr - its history and its importance in the Goan 
Therefore it has been resolved to formulate a scheme to promote Goan Tiatr 
schools, colleges and other educational institutions by organizing seminars, 
lectures, etc. for the students of educational institutions.

     (iv) Raising the standard of Tiatr

      (a) Improvement of the standard of Tiatr in all respects is the need of 
hour.                  Therefore TAG has unanimously resolved to organize 
workshops/seminars, etc on various aspects of Tiatr such as Script writing, 
Direction, Light Effects, Stage Setting, Back Ground music, etc. by inviting 
knowledgeable resource persons in theatre art from other languages. It has also 
decided that TAG may collaborate with any other institution/organization while 
conducting these seminars/workshops, etc.

      (b) Another way to learn more about theatre art and to improve the 
standard of 
tiatr is

       to witness high standard dramas from other languages and gain more 

       about the new trends in modern theatre. Therefore TAG has resolved to 

       tiatr artistes to witness high standard dramas in other languages which 
staged in

       Goa by providing them the required incentives.

      (v) Preservation of Tiatr literature

       Tiatr literature needs to be preserved for posterity. This can be done 
publishing books of scripts of Tiatrs, One Act Plays and Lyrics of songs, with 
without music scores, etc. Therefore TAG has resolved to publish books of 
scripts of 
Tiatrs, One Act Plays and Lyrics of songs, with or without music scores, etc.

      (vi) Promotion of Tiatr music

       The TAG has observed that the number of musicians playing blowing 
such as Trumpet and Saxphone is decreasing day by day and that these two 
are very important in the music of the Tiatr. In view of this the TAG has  
to formulate a scheme to encourage youth and others to learn to play blowing 
instruments particularly Trumpet and Saxphone by providing them with financial 

      (vii) Reaching out to Goans all over the world

       TAG is of the opinion that Tiatr Academy of Goa should reach out to 
living in different parts of the world through internet and through other 
means of mass communication. Hence TAG has resolved to create a Web-site of 
Academy of Goa giving detailed information of TAG and its activities.

      (viii) Promotion of Award Winning Tiatr

       Kala Academy, Goa organizes Tiatr Festivals every year in Panjim only. 
the producers and directors of award winning tiatrs have no opportunity to 
these  award winning tiatrs in other parts of Goa. Inspite of having a good 
these plays do not attract large audience because they have mostly amateur 
Therefore TAG has resolved to organize festivals of first three award winning 
in other parts of Goa so that the people from other parts of Goa too have the 
opportunity to witness these tiatrs. It is also decided to organize these 
in collaboration with other institutions in case such institutions come forward 
organize it.

      (ix) Remembering Tiatr artistes of yester years

       Tiatr stage produced great tiatr personalities in the past. These 
pioneers of 
tiatr are no more with us. Their contribution to the Goan tiatr is immense. 
Unfortunately today's younger generation do not know anything about them.

        In order to make our younger generation aware of their contribution and 
sacrifices the TAG has resolved as under:

(i)                  To commemorate their jubilee birth anniversaries i.e. 75th 
100th, 125th, etc birth anniversaries by organizing special functions and 
appropriate programmes.

(ii)                To give financial support to troupes/ institutions for 
special programmes on the lives of particular artistes or a programme of  the 
staged and  songs rendered by those artistes in the past.

(iii)               To celebrate the Birth Centenary of A. R. Souza Ferrao TAG 
resolved to stage more shows of the tiatr "Gouyo Put" written by late Souza 
directed by Anil Kumar at Panjim, Mapusa, Ponda, etc. respectively in 
of A. R. Souza Ferrao Cultural & Charitable Trust.

      (x) Provision of financial assistance to troupes going to Bombay/Poona

       Goan Tiatr was born in Bombay. There was a time when the Tiatr culture 
more prominent in Bombay than in Goa. Dramatic troupes from Bombay used to come 
Goa to stage their tiatrs. In the recent years the scenario has completely 
There are very few tiatr artistes left in Bombay today. Hence dramatic troupes 
Goa go to Bombay and stage their shows in Bombay and Poona. Many a time staging 
tiatrs in Bombay/Poona by Goan dramatic troupes is not a financially viable 

       Therefore TAG has resolved to give financial support to the tune of Rs. 
25,000/ - to any dramatic troupe going to Bombay/Poona to stage its tiatrs 
provided that at least five shows of the same tiatr are staged during that trip.

(xi) Promotion of Folk Songs

Mando/Dulpods and other folksongs is a part and parcel of our culture. These 
folksongs have always found place on the tiatr stage. Therefore TAG has 
resolved to 
promote Mando/Dulpods and other folk songs by giving incentives to deserving 
artistes and folk troupes.

(xii) Encouragement to Script Writers and Lyricists

In order to encourage the script writers and lyricists to write scripts and 
of high standard, TAG has decided to organize literary competitions for Script 
writing and for Lyrics writings and to give awards for best script and best 

(xiii) Museum & Library

There is a lot of Tiatr material in the form of manuscripts, hand written 
printed        books, old HMV records, CDs and DVDs etc, scattered here and 
with government authorities as well as with private individuals. Unfortunately 
required care of this valuable material has not been taken.

Therefore the TAG has resolved to collect this material if possible and 
preserve it 
for posterity by establishing a Museum and a library of TAG on a long term 

 (xiv) Insurance for Tiatr artistes

The TAG felt that many tiatr artistes face a lot of financial problems in case 
accidents. Therefore it was resolved to insure all artistes of the Tiatr stage 
Group Insurance Cover. Such insurance will be beneficial to tiatr artistes in 
of an accidental death or accidental injury takes place.

 (xv) Directory of Tiatr artistes

In order to have up to date information about the Tiatr artistes living in and 
of Goa TAG has resolved to publish a directory of all Tiatr artistes on 

(xvi) ID Cards for Tiatr artistes

 There was a request to issue an ID Card to interested Tiatr artiste. TAG has 
resolved to issue such ID Cards to bonafide Tiatr artistes only.

(xvii) Awards for excellence.

Awards play an important role in the lives of artistes. Those on the stage, if 
awarded,  get encouragement to perform better in future and those who are no 
active on the stage feel proud because their contribution to the Tiatr stage is 
recognized. Therefore the TAG has resolved to institute the following awards:

(a)    To give awards in all departments of Tiatr such as acting, direction, 
singing, script writing, stage setting, light effects, back ground music, etc 
organizing a Tiatr festival of commercial tiatrs every year.

(b)   To give awards to audio albums of Konkani songs i.e. for the best singers 
(male & female), for the best lyricist, for the best musician and for the best 

(c)    Life time achievement awards to tiatr artistes of yester years.

(xviii) Formation of Sub-Committees

Numerous sub-committees are formed in order to implement the schemes formulated 
TAG. Functioning in full swing will take place after the TAG gets the required 

(xix) Office Premises for TAG:

TAG will have Office premises of its own soon. Hon. Chief Minister, Shri. 
Kamat has made a provision of 1.5 crores of rupees for the purchase of the 
to do interior decoration, to purchase office equipment and to purchase a 
for TAG.  The process for acquiring an office premises to TAG is going on.

Tomazinho Cardozo


Tiatr Academy of Goa

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