Date: 7 Jul 2009 10:00:48 -0000
From: "jane gillian rodrigues" <>

Since Gabriel is the ACTIVIST in favour of foreigners buying property in Goa, 
should every Goan hold him responsible if some problem does take place,in Goa, 
because of them?

Mario responds:

Hey, Jane, you forgot to include me with Gabriel in this:-))

Yes, by all means.  Every Goan should hold us responsible if some problem takes 
place in Goa because of "them", as long as you give us credit for every 
property they buy and enhance, and as long as you hold yourselves responsible 
for all the problems in Goa caused by Goans.

Also, I hope you have done your duty on behalf of Goa by buying a property in 
Goa yourself.

Jane Gillian wrote:

My reply to Mario's e-mail - Some selfish, greedy, mean, NRIs give the same 
reply as Mario -

"Why just NRI's?  Do you think they are NRI's because their priority is Goa?"

We all know about the thousands of Indians who are welcomed into foreign 
countries to work at menial, low-paid jobs, because the citizens of foreign 
countries, do not want to do their own, dirty work.

Mario responds:

Jane, I think it seems to have escaped your attention that you place such a 
high priority on Goa and have such a love for the place that you live in 
Mumbai:-))  Pretty amazing!

And, just BTW, what you "all know" does not apply to the USA, where the Indians 
hire Americans to do their dirty work. 

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