Dear Jane,

>Since Gabriel is the ACTIVIST in favour of foreigners buying property in Goa, 
>should every Goan hold him responsible if some problem does take place,
>in Goa, because of them?

First of all, allow me to express to sogle Goemkar (not Goankars) on this 
forum, that an activist, accidental or otherwise, I am not and never will be. I 
don't know exactly when you, Jane, discovered that there are problems looming, 
but these have been in existence since a very long time ago. I am not going to 
elaborate. And please refrain from shouting. I hear you loud and clear. Calm 

>Our Freedom fighters liberated Goa from foreign rule
Please stop there. None of your freedom fighters ever "liberated" Goa from 
foreign rule - Krishna Menon and the Indian armed forces saw to that. And don't 
bother going into that topic either - its a topic that's been torn to shreds on 
this and other fora in the past.  If you do need more information, please visit
(BTW, since you dislike the Brits so much, inferred from your constant 
references to "freedom fighters", now tell me: you enjoy a Westminster-style of 
Govt in India, speak and write English fairly well, travel on a British 
idiosynchrasy of a double-decker bus, travel on a British-laid railway system, 
and probably well-educated in an English-medium school/college; isn't it a bit 
hypocritical on your part to dislike the very things you were brought up with, 
and use every day? ) 

>All Indians who wanted to continue to be ruled by foreigners have 
>migrated to foreign countries and enjoy being governed by Foreigners.
Again, you're rambling. We who have settled in "foreign countries" are no 
longer foreigners - we're locals where we've settled, and rather enjoy each 
other's company, food and culture in a multi-cultural environment, and we 
choose who we want to rule over us just as you do in your own country. 

>Even the USA has a number of immigrants in top decision-making jobs.
So what is the point you're trying to make?

>We all know about the thousands of Indians who are welcomed into foreign 
>to work at menial, low-paid jobs, because the citizens of foreign countries, 
>do not want to do their own, dirty work.
Oh really? So you think all we do is clean toilets? That's a great one :-))  
Indians may work menial jobs to get started (which sometimes is a great way to 
gain work-experience, contrary to India's theoreticians who know everything in 
theory and nil in practice - see the state of the Goa Medical College Hospital, 
the public wing), but perhaps you've never heard of Goan judges, 
administrators, doctors and other leading Goans in the countries they've 
settled in? High time you took off those blinkers and read something about 

>Goa, at the moment does not have the funds/infrastructure necessary to 
>suypport the influx of foreigners
Does it have the funds/infrastructure necessary to support the past, present 
and future influx of non-Goans, rich or poor, into Goa?  FYI, issues being 
discussed in this thread are issues relating to those who have already 
purchased property in Goa - not those who are to come. 

No more from me on this topic. 

Have a great day.


----- Original Message ----
From: jane gillian rodrigues <>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 July, 2009 8:00:48 PM
Subject: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

Dear Goankars,

My reply to Gabriel' e-mail - I am happy and proud to be able to tell people, 
that we Goans live in India, the land of our foremothers and forefathers, 
while  many foreigners sadly state, that they live in the country of their 

Since Gabriel is the ACTIVIST in favour of foreigners buying property in Goa, 
should every Goan hold him responsible if some problem does take place,in Goa, 
because of them?

The statement - "Aren't we all human?".  Our Freedom fighters liberated Goa 
from foreign rule, so that we could live like human beings. All Indians who 
wanted to continue, to be ruled by foreigners have migrated to foreign 
countries and enjoy being governed by Foreigners.

Even the USA has a number of immigrants in top decision-making jobs.

My reply to Mario's e-mail - Some selfish, greedy, mean, NRIs give the same 
reply as Mario -
"Why just NRI's?  Do you think they are NRI's because their priority is Goa?"

We all know about the thousands of Indians who are welcomed into foreign 
countries to work at menial, low-paid jobs, because the citizens of foreign 
countries, do not want to do their own, dirty work.

As per Ashley's e-mail,- "Goa, at the moment does not have the 
funds/infrastructure necessary to suypport the influx of foreigners".We all 
agree with him and Santano

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