QUEPEM CHURCH - Part Two (By Walter Menezes) 


By: Walter Menezes


A new plan for Quepem Church:

Yesterday we read about the ‘findings’ of the Diocesan Commission for Sacred 
Art and Heritage (DCSAH) regarding Quepem Church, details of which were made 
public by the Parish Priest, Fr. Mario Vaz in the second half of May, 2009.
While heritage activists all over Goa may have heaved a sigh of relief, 
parishioners of the church were not upbeat although a majority of them had 
‘voted’ that the old church should be saved and extensions made in an 
‘exercise’ conducted by the parish priest in the last week of April 2008.
The suggestion of the Commission that the existing choir-loft be repaired to 
accommodate another 150 parishioners did not strike the right chord in the 
minds of the faithful. This writer who spoke to a cross-section of parishioners 
found this oft-repeated question being asked, ‘Is the choir-loft the only 
solution to increase the capacity of the church?’

The young architect 
Parishioners of Quepem Church need not lose hope. Even before DCSAH could 
inspect the church in the month of November 2008, Ivor Gomes, a young architect 
from Quepem, was already spending hours surfing the net and leafing through 
churches-related journals. A Book of World Architecture showcasing the 
glorified structures of ancient, classical, medieval and other periods was his 
constant companion. 
Struck by the heritage bug, Ivor is all praise for the magnificent churches of 
Goa that have withstood the test of time. When asked what was so ‘lasting’ 
about them, he summed it up in a few words, ‘Lime theory lasts longer than 
concrete theory!’
Working on a 1:500 scale survey plan sourced from the survey department, Ivor 
began designing a plan which would not only save the ‘heritage structure’ but 
at the same time increase the capacity of the church by about 500. After the 
drawings were complete, he worked tirelessly to prepare the 3D Model of the 
church using AUTO CAD, so that the common man could see how the church would 
look from all angles.
Ivor’s result is a stunning combination of how the old can co-exist with the 
new! In the process, the young architect has not only been able to increase the 
capacity of the church to meet the needs of a large gathering on a Sunday 
service, he has also incorporated two new bell-towers and additional façades to 
enhance the aesthetic look of the church. 

The ‘feel of a cathedral’
Quepem Church was originally a chapel dedicated to Holy Cross and catered to 
the religious needs of the hamlet founded by ‘Deão’. The altar dedicated to 
Holy Cross still occupies a place of pride inside. The chapel was subsequently 
‘converted’ into a church, but unlike most churches in Goa, the ‘transept’ was 
‘The survey plan gave me enough ‘space’ to plan a ‘transept’ which in no way 
harmed the nave of the church. This way the church will retain its heritage 
part while making the extension possible,’ explained Ivor. Only the copelmar 
(sanctuary) housing the main wooden altar dedicated to Our Lady of Piety will 
have to be demolished. ‘This altar will then move further by about 12 meters 
from the imposing ‘central arch’ into an opening in the wall of the transept,’ 
he added. Quepem Church, like the other churches in Goa, will then acquire the 
shape of a cross to symbolize the crucifix.
By introducing two bell-towers on either arm of the transept and the additional 
façades, the young architect has succeeded in giving the church the ‘feel of a 
cathedral’. ‘But they are there with a purpose. The way to the balconies on 
either side of the transept will be through these bell-towers. And the new 
façades will compliment the existing one!’ Ivor elaborated. With the stairs 
making access to the roof easy, these bell-towers would also make maintenance 
and other functions effortless.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
That is not all. He plans to convert the existing sacristy into a sacred place 
for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. ‘The setting is perfect. There is 
an old altar against a wall which has a large antique painting showing Jesus on 
the cross and (I think) St. John and Mother Mary on either side. This 
wall-painting, and others in the sacristy, will have to be restored.’ Ivor said 
but is quick to add, ‘Let this plan be only the starting point, some kind of a 
diving-board to take the plunge.’
He knows that there will be changes and modifications. The views of the 
parishioners and those of the DCSAH will have to be taken into account. But 
like so many parishioners, Ivor Gomes is of the firm opinion that the ‘process’ 
which began last year should come to its logical conclusion and not be 
indefinitely ‘shelved’.
It is now time for the Diocesan Commission for Sacred Art and Heritage to 
‘rise’ to the occasion and show the world that the ‘old can co-exist with the 

Seating capacity after construction of transept with balconies and repairs of 
choir-loft (conservative figures)





Transept with balconies




1. Plan of existing church

2. Plan of extension with dimensions

3. Sitting arrangement in extension

4. The additional balconies

5. The ‘old and the new’

6. Final look, NW top

7. Final look, NE view

8. The wall painting in sacristy (Pic: by Dale Menezes)

9. Ivor Gomes, architect

(The above article appeared on Gomantak Times, Goa on 3rd and 4th July, 2009)

Kindly send your valuable suggestions to Quepem’s young architect, 
Ivor Gomes. His email address is:

Part 1 & 2 of this article are archived at: music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI
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