Dear friends.
The following letter has appeared in today's GT.  It is appended here in a 
slightly expanded form.

Sub: 'Match-fixing' against Catholic community

On reading the letter by Walter Menezes  (GT, 08/07) I could  not but laugh at 
the sheer stupidity of its contents.  He writes about a Sahitya Akademi award 
denied to Dr. Olivinho Gomes in 1978, and requests that Tomazinho Cardozo ask 
me to throw some light on that episode, during the expected debate.  Now, who 
am I to throw any light on this question?  Was I the Konkani member of the 
Sahitya Akademi at that time?    (Am I now?)  I think it was Bakibab Borkar, 
and he is no more.  The only 'evidence' that we have is a message of 
congratulations from Dr. R. V. Pandit which Gomes claims to have received; and 
Pandit too is not here to confirm the fact.  (Pandit, by the way, received the 
Award in 1979.)  Is any document available?  Did Dr. Gomes publish this fact at 
any time in the past, when the persons connected with that episode were living? 
  If yes, where? If no, why now?  Was Pandit in the habit of pulling legs, and 
did he pull this fast one on Gomes?  
 I think Dr. Gomes is the best person to throw any light.  He was a member of 
the Executive Board of Sahitya Akademi for five years; during that time did he 
enquire whether there is any record of this episode in its office?  If yes, 
what does it say?  If no, why not?     Why can't this matter be discussed in 
print?  Or are people afraid of being caught fibbing, if their statements 
remain in black and white for posterity as well?

I have been suspecting that Cardozo's insistence on a 'debate' is for this very 
purpose.  Ask some unanswerable questions like the ones suggested by Menezes, 
kill time, raise a ruckus if necessary,  and then claim that I could not answer 
any questions posed by Cardozo or the others in the audience.  When this is 
reported by committed journalists, no one will be any the wiser regarding 
Cardozo's machinations.  He could then crow that he answered all the questions 
that I had been asking in GT.   This will be nothing new for this coterie.  A 
few years back, their high-priest gave a talk on myths about Konkani.  Before 
the talk, he distributed to the audience a leaflet containing a list of 40 
supposed myths.  At the outset, he said that he would not be able to deal with 
all of them, but all would be open for discussion.  He managed to cover barely 
four or five.  But when questions were asked even on those with documentary 
evidence, he did not even lift his
 butt to answer them.  Later he would claim that he demolished all those 40 
myths in that talk of 40 minutes!   

It is for this reason that I refuse to waste my time on a tamasha called 
'debate'.  However, since he insists, I shall come and face him.  Let him make 
the arrangements.  I only hope he will make sensible statements, befitting a 
teacher and not wild accusations expected of a politician.

Yours truly,
S. M. Borges
Nagdoli, Velim.

Sotachench zoit zatolem.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

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