Date: 10 Jul 2009 17:04:32 -0000
From: "jane gillian rodrigues" <>

Dear Goankars,

Since Gabriel and some other Goanetters, are in favour of foreigners buying 
property in Goa, all Goans  will hold him, and his gang, responsible for any 
problems in Goa, leading to loss of life and limb due to the presence of 
foreignes in Goa.

Mario responds:

Hey, Gabriel,

For some reason Jane Gillian is picking on you, re, and seems scared to mention 
my name, even though I am the foremost proponent on Goanet of the obvious 
benefits to Goa and Goans of allowing anyone to invest in hard assets in Goa 
and India in general.

In a previous post, which Jane has perhaps forgotten, she repeated this canard 
of responsibility for problems in Goa, which Jane pretends to be concerned 
about from the safety of far-off Mumbai:-))

Memo to self:  I wonder if Jane Gillian has invested in Goa?

My response was that I would gladly accept responsibility for what foreign 
investors did in Goa as long as Jane Gillian and her gang will accept 
responsibility for the mess that Goans have made and continue to make of Goa on 
a daily basis.

Jane Gillian wrote:

Every ruler that invaded India, left their monuments, and forced us to learn 
their language.  Throughout the British reign of India, the wealth of India 
(diamonds, minerals etc.) were taken back to the mother country. 

Mario responds:

Here we see the peculiar confusion between rulers who CONQUERED and CONTROLLED 
and PLUNDERED Goa and India, and ordinary foreigners who want to invest in a 
sovereign India that now controls itself and would improve the place for the 
benefit of their own investment if nothing else.

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