Fiddle while Rome burns.....(meaning to occupy oneself with unimportant
matters and neglect priorities during a crisis.) ...I just joined goanet a
week ago, and I have been amazed at the passion, energy and time spent
discussing who is TRASH and who is not TRASH , when the biggest trash are
our politicians and their policies or lack of them in Goa.   If you all are
such fervent Goenkars, it is about time you find out what is going on in the
interior of Goa ....yes, there is more to Goa, much more than the beaches
that have already been ruined by TRASH tourism... our real problem is
that.somehow every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to want to become a miner now
in Goa including some of the TRASH politicians. As a result, right now there
are 825 concessions (not all yet active) for mining exploration in Goa, not
to mention all the illegal mining that is going on without any control. When
all these concessions become active, nearly 25% of Goa will be under mining
exploration. Some of the concessions are within the boundaries of  Nature
Reserves and Animal Sanctuaries. Rice fields and wells are being destroyed
and dried up systematically, forests are being cut, precious water tables
are being polluted and emptied by the irresponsible mining process ....and I
could go on, and on, and on.....we are witnessing the real destruction of
Goa at an INDUSTRIAL scale....and you are worried that a few Brits are
buying land in Goa? At least that land will not fall under the bulldozers of
the mining industry, and you might have a few trees still standing in Goa if
you are lucky! I hope more people buy the land to keep it green and look
after it.

The impact of mining in Goa, one of the smallest states on India, is
irreversible. There is a desert being created in the hearth of Goa, forested
hills are being desmantled at great speed and village upon village is being
ruined. We need to stop this violence against our people, our land, our
villages, our rivers, our forests and our wildlife - and ultimately violence
agains all Goans.  We also need to make sure the miners follow the laws of
the country  and rehabilitate the land they destroyed (that is the law that
no one respects). Are you willing to take on this cause? We need the support
of every Goan in every corner of the world to support a campaign to control
mining, review and cancell most of the concessions, stop mining in forested
areas,  and rehabilitate the land. If the miners want to keep making money,
they will have to think of investing in a greener industry.

Carmen Miranda

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