2009/7/13 <mgov...@sbcglobal.net>

> Mario observes:
> ........................ The real fuss is about the 3 million innocent
> Vietnamese and Cambodians who were brutally massacred after the American
> Democrats forced a withdrawal from Vietnam and the confrontation with the
> spread of communism in S.E. Asia that their own party's Presidents had
> initiated and engaged in, just when the Vietcong were on their knees by the
> admission of their own commanding general.
> RESPONSE: Mon cheri, you can't have it both ways, what about the millions
> that died because of Bush's invasion. What about all the Christians who were
> forced to leave Iraq and what now about the desire to seek good oil
> contracts because so many Americans died in Iraq....so it was about the oil
> then huh!

If you ask on the streets of Baghdad, which I have done, they concensus cry
is; come back Sadaam all is forgiven.

At least G.B. was magnamonous enough to admit there were no W.M.D.s whereas
you...enough said.

50 million Iraqis liberated? Go do Baghdad like I did and find out the
reality of things on the ground.


Gabe Menezes.

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