Hi Carmen,


Your post makes interesting reading so far to me.

May I know what you have in mind and how precisely you want to go about this 
issue, the help and support you need from fellow Goans. Mind you, only the 
Goans living in Goa, in my humble opinion be able to do something to help you.

I am sure you have a plan in mind, perhaps you could spell it out in this forum.

Appreciate your initiative, as Goa needs people who have the best interest of 
Goa in their hearts.


With every good wish,

Leo Conrad D'Souza.


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 09:31:46 +0100
From: Carmen Miranda <carmitamira...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Goanet] Foreigners buying land in Goa and all that trash
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Hi Freddy
I am affraid I have been living in London for over 40 years and I am
neither personally or directly or indirectly affected by the mining in Goa
and I do not have property in Goa. I am however deeply concerned about the
welbeing of my fellow goans and the land itself which I love and wish to
preserve for future generations.
I care deeply about any brutality against planet Earth I don't care where it
happens. We only have one small planet which we are destroying because of
the greed and supidity of a few people.
I want to have a go and confront the miners in Goa and try to change the
situation, even If I have to do it alone. I don't give up easily!
I was hoping for some help and support from fellow goans around the world, I
will continue to ask for support. Hope one day you will agree that all of us
together perhaps can do something positive for Goa!
Best wishes
Carmen Miranda

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