Eddie, sorry for my late response. I agree with you that IF a legal transaction 
occurred and the Goa or India govt. is trying to reverse it, I would be 
outraged. But I question HOW MANY of these real estate transactions by British 
nationals in Goa were legal. 

Given the illegal cesspool of Goan real estate "development", where illegal 
permits are obtained, land usurped, illegal hill-cutting, illegal 
constructions, bribes paid at various levels, property intentionally not sold 
to local Goans but only to foreigners and non-Goans, it is difficult for me to 
believe than more than a handful (and I am being generous here) of these 
British national transactions were legal. 

Also difficult for me to believe the British nationals were innocent parties to 
these transactions and were unaware of the illegalities listed in the paragraph 
above - they are not THAT naive. Just call up some of the 
builders/sellers/agents in the UK of these Goan properties and they will 
immediately inform you how to circumvent the law. I do not need to inform you 
that Goa has quite a few unscrupulous real-estate lawyers and real-estate 
agents in cahoots with and under the patronage of Goan politicians.

How many of these builders/sellers/agents who advertise on Goan websites and 
who come to London at the Tourism mart, comply with the law? 


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