Girann (eclipse)
There is one tomorrow morning  i.e. 22nd july 2009, starts 6.21am till around 
We were told when young, during the ‘Girann’ one can see moon and the sun 
fighting with swords (Chodrim ani Vell/surya torsadini zogoddtat). To watch it, 
one had the darken a glass in order to see through it.  
But I never witnessed fighting between the moon and the sun.
Pregnant women were very cautious on the day.  They would stay indoors lying in 
the bed whole day.  Miscarriages also common on this day? (i remember at least 
Under no circumstances, they would enter kitchen to handle sharp items like 
knives or de-fishing/de-scalling/cutting ‘adolli’
What’s adolli?
See item no 2 here
When we see people around with a lip-cut or nose mal-formed or a cut in the 
year etc
We called him ‘Girannak sampoddlolo’ or affected by eclipse.  This was due to 
his/her pregnant mother handling sharp items like knives, adolli etc at the 
time of ‘girann’ on on the eclipse day. We called them ‘Kan Katro, Vontt Katro 
or Nak katro’.
Many years ago, may be in early 80’s, I remember a type of total solar eclipse.
Suddenly, day time turned into dark like  late evening, seen crows returning 
home, cow returning home etc
Many also believed that solar forces like high tide or low tide or half moon or 
full moon etc affect person’s heath or behaviour. My mother was one of them.
Every time she felt  not too well she said ‘ Aiz Omas asa mista, jivak mhojea 
borem nam’.
Talking about tomorrow Solar Ecplise, it seems we will never ever going to 
witness the type in our lifetime (includes children).
Whatever it is, whether you are pregnant or not, it was advised, not to watch 
it with your naked eyes as it could permanently damaged eye retina. Use eclipse 
glasses or mylar films (what it is I don’t know)
Your feedback on ‘Girann’ welcome
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  • ... JoeGoaUk
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Frederick Noronha
        • ... Domnic Fernandes
        • ... Santosh Helekar
          • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
            • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... Mervyn Lobo
    • ... Gabriel de Figueiredo
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... Cajetan Alvares

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