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Come on Dr. Barad, not you--but really who cares. Yet, you are still asking
questions, although you say its "tongue in cheek." So, more respect to you
for putting it out in a clear and unabashed manner. Instead of others, allow
me to answer.

Venantius J Pinto(here capped to take full responsibility for what follows):
I for sure do not and for sure do not understand why anyone stemming from an
old way of life stemming in Sanathan Dharma would be bothered about
salvation. I have been cursed enough of being "batlela, he batle ghele,
vihirinte pao khavun.." but it never bothered me. Maybe I AM JUST STUPID. Is
it really hard to understand what Pakash SJ says. Does it need to be spelled
out. It is so clear. And again does the salvation bit still bother people.
It should only bother those who believe there is salvation and its
possibility through the Church, and they resent that possibility. Others
should not give a damn  unless one is into dialectics and polemics..

There are enough denominations that are not RC and do not follow the
Vatican. What is it to anyone? Let the Churches fight this battle out.
Whoever benefits will benefit, and it will not be Indian Christians. Is that
not clear? How much more bashing do they deserve.

To your query, : It would be interesting to know who edactly as these
churches, and what is the Vatican doing to counteract this threat."

Seriously what is this? I suggest that people go meet churches that are not
RC and make their own exacting lists. Those churches know where they stand
in terms of their Christology. This way all are happy that they did their
own work and with  their own findings. It is always interesting to know
stuff, but I have always believed in hard work. If I wanted to know anything
or about anybody, I get to work. I believe this is the best way, so ones
rewards are wholly earned by oneself. Those who read this clearly will
realize that all I am talking about is that there are no shortcuts, unless
the intentions are to find stuff to create more questioned and build further

Man freaking salvation?!

venantius j pinto

> From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <dr.udayba...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Goanet] Fr Cedric Prakash
> To: <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Message-ID: <4a6d61b4.14b48c0a.0b49.0...@mx.google.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
> Fr Cedric Prakash
> As per information provided by Venantius Pinto, Fr Cedric Prakash has said:
> "In the Catholic case, prior to the Second Vatican Council, the position
> was
> the there is no salvation outside the boundaries of the Catholic Church.
> But now our official position has undergone a major change. Salvation, we
> now believe, is indeed possible outside the Church."
> Does this mean that those who died prior to the Second Vatican Council were
> not saved?
> Of course, this is a tongue in cheek question.  The important point is what
> was the reason for the major change?
> Fr Cedric also said: "On the other hand, many right-wing evangelical and
> fundamentalist Protestant churches believe that non-Christians, no matter
> how pious or good, will be doomed to hell."
> It would be interesting to know who edactly as these churches, and what is
> the Vatican doing to counteract this threat.
> Best wishes.
> Dr UG Barad

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