* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

Mr. Valmiki Faleiro  has very succintly described the modern times Goan
as follows: ( and it is worth repeating word by word0
'''''  A queer British interlude in Goa ( 1799 - 1813 ) spurred the largest,
longest, and yet
surviving wave of Goan emigration ,  initially to the rest of India  and on
high seas ( Royal
navy and merchant navy )  Then to Burma and Bahrain .  And finally to
British (East )
Africa,West Asia ( petro dollar Gulf area)  and beyond ( U.K., Canada,
U.S.A. ,
Australia and New Zealand.  While in Goa  the British spotted two assets:
one natural
(Mormugao Harbour and it connection to the hinterland  Western Portuguese
WIP ) and the other human which was a large idle population of educated and
not so ,
well acquainted with European life style ( read non vegetarian food)  and
hence mostly
Goan  ABC staff in British households in India followed by 2nd and 3rd
generation clerks)'''''

Antonio responds:  I fully agree  with what Valmiki has written ecept when
he writes "" a
large idle population of educated and not so ''' It somehow gives the
impression that Goans
who migrated to India were 90% educated and 10% illiterate whereas in
reality it was the other way
around i.e. 90% illiterate  and 10% literate.  The latter were mostly from
the so called high
castes  fellas who were educated inthe parochial schools.. Thanks to the
Grande Patriarca
Portugues das Indias Orientais and his sacerdotal assistants  comprising of
the highest
caste  made by the Indian God,  the illiterate Goan catholics  were more at
home with
Jezu, Jezu than with A,B,C,  and  1,2,3,
The Goan catholic church may not have been entirely wrong in denying
education to poor
Goan catholics. Teotonio R.De Souza  writing on Medieval Goa  (  Herald  Aug
1 )
quotes St. Paul writing toRomans  ''''Noli propter escam destruere opus
Dei   ---
Do not destroy God's work for the sake of food.''''

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